Javed Kachchhi | Indian Modern Architect of Today

Javed Kachchhi | Modern Architect of India

Javed Kachchhi is an Indian Architect known for his highly innovative works in Modern Architecture as well as Classical Architecture. He is renowned for his art of blending Modern Architecture with the Older Architectural Styles.

Architect Javed Kachchhi
Architect Javed Kachchhi

Early Life and Education

Javed Yunus Kachchhi was born in 1964 in Nashik, Maharashtra, the first son in the family. Javed Kachchhi completed his schooling from a local school in Nashik. Since he was five, he had a natural flair for paintings, sketching and doing creative crafts. He was very imaginative and creative.

He studied Civil Engineering at RIT, Islampur, Maharashtra. He was a great student even at a course which involved a lot of technical calculations and details.

After his Civil Engineering, he decided on setting up a private practice. He then worked as a Designer and a Civil Engineer for two years. He completed his Certificate course in Interior Designing (I. I. D) in 1990 from Kolhapur. But he realized that Civil Engineering was not his ultimate goal and was not an ultimate profession to channel out his creativity. He wanted to showcase his art and creativity to the world.

He then studied Architecture at Sir J. J. College of Architecture, Mumbai for four years, i.e. he completed his journey of Architectural Study in 1994.


Apart from attending college, he joined an Architectural firm “Waichal Consultants” in Kolhapur where he worked for two years to gain experience and to learn the process of execution of projects in an Architectural Office.

Architect Javed Kachchhi's Home
Architect Javed Kachchhi

He decided to setup his private practice in a place near Pune, Maharashtra and established a firm named “Archeng Designers“. His first project was that of a Bungalow of area around 2000sqft. He gave a total Modern look to the Bungalow and the interiors were absolutely majestic.

He ceaselessly continued to work as an Architect and a Structural Designer with immense passion and total client satisfaction.


He received immense recognition and received “BHARAT GAURAV AWARD” from India International Friendship Society, New Delhi for excellence in Architecture in 1998.

Until today, the counting of the number of projects that he has worked on goes beyond 400. He has worked on various types of projects which include residential villas, residential multistoried buildings, commercial office buildings, ice factories, Hospitals, Schools, Cold Storage plants, Interior projects for varied types of buildings etc.

Residence Design by Architect Javed | Persian Architectural Style
Residence Design by Architect Javed | Persian Architectural Style

Professional Memberships

  • Registered Architect of Council of Architecture New Delhi, India.
  • Associate member of Indian Institute of Architects, Bombay
  • Associate member of Indian Institute of Interior Designers, Bombay

His work Abroad

He went to United Kingdom to explore the Architectural world outside India. He was offered to work as an Architect by one of the leading firms “Frankham Consultancy” that worked on all kinds of Architectural Design Projects.

From August 2004 to December 2005 – Worked as an Architect at Frankham Consultancy Group in Eastbourne in the UK.

He decided to return back to India and continue his practice as an Architect, Engineer and Interior Designer.

He shifted his main Head Office from Pune to Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. His son named “Gauhar Kachchhi” who also became a Civil Engineer joined the office and helped in extending the Architectural Empire.


“Earthquake Resistant Buildings-Today’s Need” —Pudhari – 8th February 2001

Published an interior project in “The Journal of Indian Institute of Architects” July 2004

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