Architecture… where Form Follows Function

Architecture is an art of creating beautiful spaces, of designing structures where form follows function. It is an art based on the principles of Utility and Beauty.

North Folk House

Form follows function is a principle associated with modern architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose.

Architecture is not merely a slavery to the past art, not is it blind originality. It has to be a perfect blend usability, beauty and economy. Architecture has always been the result of the delicate balance between art and science… but it has been more of an Art than science. An Architect is an artist who sets out to remodel the world to make is more perfect for human habitation…

The personality of an architect is reflected through his creations. We can gauge his temperament by looking at the way the structure is designed, both internally as well as externally. An architect takes care of human need, interests, sentiments & values of his clients while designing the structures…

Pathetic! How do you build such a thing?

Functionality should always be giver higher priority than form. But this does not always happen. An Architect might be tempted to create sazzy designs which might be prohibitively expensive or unusable. However, it is the duty of an Architect to design a structure in a way that it is both functional, durable and trendy. Compromises have to be made. But an Architect should never indulge himself in creating extravagant forms which might be aesthetically beautiful but which do not serve their functional purpose…

8 thoughts on “Architecture… where Form Follows Function”

  1. being an archtctre student, i cud vry wel feel wat is being conveyd,, the blog is cool, n am geting betr infrmatn, its gud,, keep goin,,, =)

  2. “But an Architect should never indulge himself in creating extravagant forms which might be aesthetically beautiful but which do not serve their functional purpose…”

    I do believe that function should always go first before form. Construction should also be solid regardless of aesthetics.

  3. Why should form follow function? Is this because Architects are more interested in the aesthetics of a building rather than what the building is going to provide in the way of features that would be of benefit to those who are going to inhabit it? For instance, why not design buildings that can be configured for more than one use?

    Examples I would cite, are schools which only have a limited life-span of use within that area, when they could and maybe should be designed so that they can then be re-configured into community centres rather than being torn down and replaced with something else?

    The disposal of old building materials generates a lot of waste and pollution which at present raises a lot of issues as to what happens with this waste;However, this issue is one that Architects much prefer to wash their hands of and ‘Pass the Buck’ onto others to resolve.

    Another example is housing, which does not take into account that those who live in them, may well become disabled or less mobile due to age, or have a child that is disabled. These issues could be accommodated, by doors wide enough for a powered wheelchair to pass through and a small slope up to the door entrance, rather tha at a later date, the width of the doors having to be widened, at a cost of thousands of pounds and much disruption. The kitchens in these properties could also have what I would call ‘Adaptive’ kitchen units, which can be quickly and cheaply converted between being suitable for able-bodied or wheelchair-bound people, so they do not have to be re-housed and then those people vacate the property, they can just as easily converted back and forth between each configuration rather than the units ripped out and replaced on each occasion these changes are needed.


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