Guide to writing a Synopsis for the Thesis Project

How to write Synopsis for a Thesis Project

This article would be of great interest to the Final year Architecture students. Writing a Synopsis determines your level of understanding of the chosen topic as your thesis project. We will list out and discuss different steps in which one should proceed with writing a Synopsis.

Thesis Project
Thesis Project
  1. Introduction
  2. Motivation
  3. Objectives and Scope and Limitations
  4. Description of the research work
  5. Conclusions/Summary of the work
  6. List of Case studies
  7. List of references/literature case studies for thesis research work
  8. Identification of the project site


Briefly explain the Architectural/technological/social relevance or significance of the research work of your thesis topic. Be precise and include only relevant background material in the introduction. Provide information on past works by way of giving appropriate references.

It should not exceed two pages.


Develop further on the background material provided in the introduction and bring the subject of thesis in the chosen area of research in to focus. Emphasize, based on the content status, the importance of the research problem identified. Should broadly indicate the existing drawbacks and why further research is required to eliminate the drawbacks and find new architectural solutions. Identification of these should be brief and can be out of the scope of the Thesis subject but has to be relevant. You can enumerate those technical challenges one has to address to solve the problems/drawbacks posed herein to place emphasis on the quality of the research work.

I came across a very interesting piece of article on motivation for writing thesis. This reading should be helpful to all.

This should not exceed two pages.

Objectives and Scope and Limitations

State precisely the questions for which the answers are sought through this thesis work. Define the conceptual, analytical, experimental and/or methodological boundaries within which the exercise will be carried out.

Admit with clarity the limitation of such a research and difficulties involved.

It should not exceed two pages.

Description of the research work

Keeping in mind the limitations and difficulties, identify the precise architecturally relevant area and extent of research that is attempted by you.

Detailed explanations of the drawbacks/problems identified for which you are seeking possible architectural solutions.

Explain in detail how the case studies will help in resolving the drawbacks/problems identified.

Clear the role of literature studies/observations/experiments/questionnaires.

Define with clarity the detailed methodology to be adopted that will lead you towards the Architectural solutions.

Explain in detail how you are specifically equipped to deal with the research and find Architectural solutions.

It should not exceed 10-12 pages.

Conclusions/Summary of the work

Highlight major conclusions you are working towards. Clearly bring out not only the generally useful advantages arising out of the work but also the architectural advancement you are seeking through this Thesis work. If there are no conclusions at the moment, then enumerate the possible contributions of the work.

Maximum two pages.

List of Case studies

List the probable Case Studies and the relevant areas of study possible in them. Indicate clearly why you have chosen the particular case for study. Make a mention of the ease/difficulty of approach and obtaining information from the case studies. Also give the time frame required for each case study.

It should not exceed one page.

(Also, it is important to know all the factors to be considered for conducting a successful case study.)

List of references/literature studies for thesis research work

List the publications/books you have already identified for your literature study. List only published or accepted books/papers.

Never claim contents of the publications/books as your own. Always give credit where it is due.

Maximum one page.

Identification of Project site

The student has to identify a possible and suitable site for the proposal where the conclusions and solutions can be carried out. The project site may or may not be a live project but should definitely be suitable for the chosen project.

Maximum one page.

30 thoughts on “Guide to writing a Synopsis for the Thesis Project”

  1. dear sir
    iam a final year architecture student.i am entering 9th semester now.i am supposed to give a synopsis of my thesis project.could you please guide me how to choose topics for my thesis.

  2. hi i am a 9th sem student!!i m completely at my wits end in going ahead with my topic!!althou not a topic my idea is like”to represent space in terms of all 5 elements,’air,water,fire,earth,space(sky)’.which form d very essence of life,present in everything but r disguised!i really dunno how to translate this into a built space!!n wat it l b!can anybody throw some light on this..

  3. Hi Neha
    This is Arun, i myself am a final year student of architecture and we are also supposed to give synopsis on the thesis topics.
    and i guess that i am pretty lost.
    it would be gr8 if u could share in yhing that u have come across regarding the synopsis, how it is done or made.


  4. Hello friends,
    I hope you have gone through the guidelines for writing the Synopsis. This will definitely be of help to you. Inspite of the guidelines, if you are unable to understand as to what is to be included in your thesis synopsis, you could tell us your topic through our comment section and then we shall have a discussion so that all the readers benefit from it.

  5. i m architecture final year student i want to take topic related to our cultural in terms of family entertainment but i m confused how to proceed that topic and how to write synopsis for that particular topic plz guide me as i have to submitt ny synopsis on coming tuesday

    • Hello Farah,

      Apologies for the delay in replying. I hope your synopsis writing went well. I can definitely give you feedback and guide you through your thesis project. Do get back in touch and we can discuss your project on the blog.

      Cheers 🙂

  6. hi,
    i’m a final year architecture student. i’m supposed to give my synopsis on the 9th of December. as of now i am planning to do an apparel house( as my school prefers only pure architectural projects at the under graduate level)..kindly suggest a few live case studies in India ..:D

  7. Hello sir, I m a student of architecture in my final sem. I have choose a juvenile center as my thesis topic. So please sir can u help me out with this. U can mail me on my mail

  8. hello sir,
    i have just got into my 9th semester of arch. and wanted to know if you could suggest me some case studies regarding my thesis topic i.e. Hospice care center for terminally ill or cancer patients, in india.anything outside india would also be helpfull for literature study.

  9. Hiii frnds…
    i m architecture final year student, i have choosed my thesis topic as RIVER FRONT DEVELOPMENT will be a gr8 help to me if u give the related data which u have

  10. Hi,
    I’m architecture 9th sem student. We are supposed to give our synopsis so can u elaborate me further about the topic aqua marine park. The factors considered for choosing the site and will it be a big project or I can work in details in time. Please help.

    • Hello Shashi,

      This will be an interesting design topic but the casestudies would be difficult because i dont think we have good marine parks in India. If you are willing to go to Dubai for a casestudy then I am sure this would be a fantastic project.

      Good luck!

  11. Hi,
    I am architecture final year student..hav opted the church as a topic for thesis.. i want to reinterpret the design methadology biblicaly ..can you help with this.. is there any church in india that i can opt for case study

  12. Hi
    I am currently working on my design project and masters thesis: Fruits Processing plant, with emphasis on integrating environmental and human factors. I would be greatly appreciate any relevant materials that could aid my work.
    Thank you……..

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