7 Reasons Why You Should Study Architecture

Study Architecture

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures.

Architecture is about the making of places where people spend their lives. Architects are not just concerned with the exterior and interior design of a building, but the environment as a whole. Architecture is mostly about human beings living in a “better” way then before. Social sciences and psychology is as important as nanotechnology and sustainable materials…

Study Architecture

There is an important questions that needs to be asked. Why study Architecture in the first place? What are the merits of choosing Architecture as a career over other professions? And what could be the compromises and trade-offs an Architecture student might have to make to achieve success?

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Enhancing Creativity power in the course of Architecture

Enhancing Creativity and Imagination | Goal of an Architect

Art and Architecture

Art is a broad term for various creative activities coming into picture. Here are the major types of art forms:

  • Fine Art
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Puppet Shows

Architecture is a form of art. It is the art of designing spaces in which we live. It is not just limited to designing buildings but it has whole lot of other design factors and theories to be taken into consideration.

Sydney Opera House, Australia | Architectural Wonder
Sydney Opera House, Australia | Architectural Wonder

An Architectural designer is basically an artist endowed with the gift of creativity and imaginative genius. People could be imaginative and creative in different ways. It is not necessary that they have to become architects.

It is easy to define Architecture but the word has far deeper meaning than it implies. While you study Architecture, you get to study various fields of human endeavor, including Art, History, Material Science, Physics, Engineering… anything and everything that can help improve the living environment of human beings. It is the most diverse subject you can find. And yet, this field attracts the most creative and romantic minds in the world.

I have written this article so that Architecture students and Architects can share their views and opinions and their experience in the process of learning the art of Designing….In this article, I will talk about how our creative genius takes a downward trend when we reach a higher stage in our course…

In my previous article, I happened to mention how the creativity of Architecture students is impacted in a technical way.

“At the beginning of our course, we are not much aware of the conventional forms or logical design solutions. We are extremely creative when we are unaware of the actual process of transforming our project into reality but later on, as we progress with our course, we tend to restrict ourselves”.

This is a very interesting topic to discuss about. Readers out there, if you read this article, please do write about your own experiences so we could all get more of exposure to how people all around the world think and deal with it….