Here is a list of some of the most radical post-modernist designs done by leading Architects in the world…
St. Mary’s Cathedral, Tokyo
- Architect : Kenzo Tange
- Date : 1963
- Speciality : Up-sweeping hyperbolic paraboloid roofs.
- The plan of the building is in the form of a cross, from which the walls, eight hyperbolic parabolas, rise up at an angle.
HSB Turning Torso
- Spanish Architect : Santiago Calatrava
- Place: Malmo, Sweden
- Date : June of 2001 to November 2005
- Speciality : The tower’s design uses nine five-story cubes that twist as it rises.
- The top-most segment is twisted ninety degrees clockwise with respect to the ground floor
Weisman Art Museum

- Architect : Frank Gehry
- Date: 1993
- Place: University of Minnesota in Minneapolis
- Speciality: Often called a “modern art museum,” the 20,000+ image collection
Disney Concert Hall

- Architect : Frank Gehry
- Place : Los Angeles, California
- Speciality : Made of Stainless Steel. It required a $90,000 extra money to dull down its shine.
- Date : October 23, 2003.
Shanghai World Financial Centre
- Architect : Kohn Pedersen Fox
- Date : 1997 to 2008
- Height : 101-story tower, 492 meters
- Speciality : Tallest building in Mainland China
- It is a mixed use skyscraper which will consist of office spaces, hotel rooms, conference rooms, observation decks and shops on the ground floors.
Transamerica Pyramid

- Architect : William L. Pereira
- Date : 1972
- Height : 260 meters, 48 floors
- Speciality : Tallest building in San Francisco.
- The building is a tall, four-sided pyramid with two “wings” on opposite sides of the building. The building’s façade is covered in crushed quartz, giving the building its pure white color.
Celebration- Town Hall, Florida
- Architect : Philip Johnson
- City: Celebrations in Florida, USA
- Building: Town Hall
- Speciality: Instead of a symmetrical row of imposing round columns, thin pillars crowd together beneath a pyramid-shaped roof.
Louvre Pyramid

- Architect : I. M. Pei
- Date : 1989
- Location : Paris, France
- Speciality : The Louvre Pyramid is a large metal and glass pyramid which serves as the main entrance to the Musée du Louvre and has become a landmark for the city of Paris.
Valencia Opera House

- Architect : Santiago Calatrava
- Date : October 2005
- Place : Valencia, Spain
- Type : Opera House
- Speciality : The opera house resembles a ship with round portals, or the cracked shell of an egg in which the main auditorium itself is the yolk.
Torre Marenostrum
- Architect : Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue
- Location : Barcelona, Spain
- Specialtiy : A horizontal building projects out of the tower between the 5th and 10th storeys, lending the building a strong personality and which from an architectural point of view enables the skyscraper to integrate into the entire complex and the surrounding city.
It’s amazing how incredible some of our buildings are. I also find it interesting that math is involved in every single one of them, someone even used a hyperbolic peraboloid.
The valencia Opera house is incredible. I would like to know how it was built.
Is not Santiago Calatrava an Structural Engineer
Santiago Calatrava was a Spanish Architect, artist and also a Structural Engineer…