Architecture and Kiasma!!

“Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowy, but the most surely, on the soul”.

– Ernest Dimnet, What We Live By, 1932

In many ways, Architecture reflects on the soul of any culture. Buildings breathe reality into the ideals and constitutions of civilizations, old and new.

Kiasmatic Architecture
Kiasmatic Architecture

Architecture is an art, a means of expression – the fingerprint of a dynasty.

Architecture is also a representation of the individual spirit. In powerful architecture, every line tells a new story. Every space whispers a secret. Architecture is very much a ‘Kiasma’ of sensation, sight and silence. It is this that makes us appreciate, love and worship the works of the Architects we know as the “Masters”.

In the study of these works, the works become an embodiment of the architect himself – The Architect may die, but the Architecture he creates will live forever. He shall be immortal.

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