Design of Spas | New Generation Health Mantra

Spas – The New Health Mantra

Slowly but surely the wellness industry in India is looking up as evidenced by gradual transformation of beauty shops into excellent spaces like salons, day spas and amazing spa retreats.

Spas have evolved based on the services they offer. New trends are fast evolving like day spas, destination spas, medical spas, detox spas etc.

The Indian spas use organic products and traditional processes and soon spas will soon become a way of life when they become pragmatic and affordable with a booming industry.

Spa in Goa, India
Spa in Goa, India

Spas will soon metaphorise into the ‘New health destination’ for the modern urban middle class.

Spas provide holistic wellness and pamper the basic need – relaxation. Spas have become a popular retreat for one to stay connected with his inner self and achieve a healthy and balanced lifecycle.

Kerala is a well known destination for ayurvedic therapy centres and spas of the highest order. Traditional Indian remedies like ayurvedic treatments and yoga are very popular and when these trendy spa treatments lack authenticity, they trivialize the traditional healing solutions.

People around the world are looking for one stop shop. When we go to a health or fitness centre, we want a place where we can ‘get it all’ which includes having a spa treatment. Spas are the need of the hour. The customer today is lot more aware and conscious of his health and wellbeing and the spas go beyond massages and provide a complete wellness experience.

Spas or rather I should term them as “Wellness spaces” are important for today’s stress ridden generation. Spa designs should be authentic, natural and simple without any hindrance. Spas should provide a severe atmosphere, pampers and relaxes and helps in connecting their physical and inner self.

Architects and interior designers should work in tandem with each other.

When one goes from the reception to the spa rooms, the whole journey is an experience to remember and pleasant for the customers.

Interior designers should not look only into the decoration aspect but it should be aesthetically and functionally efficient. Several factors are considered while designing a spa like location; target group, type of spa, lighting, materials, textures and colors with music and aromas are well taken into consideration. Though the spa industry is not technology driven industry, some spas have machines like showers, hydrotherapy beds etc which have very limited appeal.

Finally, I would want to end this article with a conclusion about the core concept of the spa that every designer should understand:

The final concept of a spa is providing a severe atmosphere that pampers and relaxes us while treating our physical and spiritual beings.

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