Forest Landscaping | Guide to Landscape Design

Forest Landscaping Design

Today there is a need in the woodlands to integrate the design arts with the principles of forest management. Through the collaboration of landscape architects and foresters, the woodlands produce remarkable visual amenities in great measure. Many of the positive visual effects of forest management have been overlooked. Although many receive a high degree of aesthetic and recreational enjoyment from their woodlands, few understand the improvement scenery that can be achieved.

Forest Landscape


Many complaints are often heard about monotony of driving or walking through forests from miles after miles. It becomes boring and soporific. This monotony can be removed by prescribing silvi-cultural treatment that can establish contrast and variety in successive stands of trees.

Colour and texture are important design elements of forest vegetation. The primary visual function of forest vegetation is to reveal or to conceal what lies beyond. If trees are removed from an area, it helps to open-up the landscape, affording views far and wide revealing the outdoor spaces. The landscape itself is not visible if tracts of land have not cleared. The depth of visual penetration can vary from a metre to a hundred metres or more beneath a closed canopy of foliage.

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Le Corbusier | The Legend

Legendary Architect Le Corbusier

National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo

  • Le Corbusier – A Legend
  • Born on October 6, 1887
  • Swiss-French architect, painter, and writer
  • development of modern architecture
  • Le Corbusier designed his first project at the age of nineteen with a local architect.
  • studied modern building construction under Auguste Perret in Paris
  • He also worked in Berlin in the architectural office of Peter Behrens.
  • In 1912, after returning to his hometown, he taught architecture in L’Éplattenier’s industrial art school
  • Worked with German architect Josef Hoffmann.
  • In 1917, Le Corbusier left his homwtown La Chaux-de-Fonds and moved to Paris
  • In 1918 he lost the sight of one eye, a traumatic event, which affected his spatial orientation.
  • In 1922, partnership with Pierre Jeanneret.

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