People all over the world are realizing the need for the conservation of natural resources that are being used for the sake of creating spaces that involve use of materials that are energy intensive and are expensive.

Green Building Architecture is all about a building’s entire life cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. People are now concerned about factors such as economy, utility, durability, and comfort. The practice of Green and Sustainable design is growing throughout the world making people concerned about various issues regarding building design and have achieved quite a lot of success.
Every country in the world has their own traditional architectural styles. Traditional architectural styles involve the use of materials that are locally available and are available in abundance. But lately, after the industrial revolution and creation of energy intensive materials, the mindsets of people have changed drastically. They crave for more of fancy designs that involve the use of materials that are not available locally but are imported from different cities of the country or altogether different nations of the world. This style is called “Contemporary or Modern Design.”