Magic of Colours | How to choose a Colour scheme?
The colours we surround ourselves influence our lives psychologically and our mood swings are monitored by the kind of environment we are surrounded by. That is why it is vitally important to use colour schemes in a way that they would inspire us to remain active and do a better job and stay happy.
When it comes to decorating homes, colour scheme is very important as it should be one that inspires us and makes us happy at the end of the day. Our home depicts our personality and so the colour scheme should represent a harmonizing and refined taste of ourselves.

When we consider decorating our home, questions like: How will the colour make my room feel?
What would it reflect about my personality?
There is lot of emotion and sentiment when we talk about colour. Many colour enthusiasts have assigned meanings to individual colours like,
“Red is the colour of love
Yellow is the colour of prosperity
White represents purity of heart”
The answer summarizes to context that colours, shapes, textures, scents and light are working in tandem with one another.