Understanding the concept of Spatial codes
Conceptual Graphics
In order to give birth to an idea the Architect must adopt some form of abstraction which represents the pictures in his mind using symbols or annotations.
Schematic diagrams
Simplified drawings of a concept which stress the relationship and orientations of its physical components.

Operational Diagrams
Transformations which aid the designer in visualizing changes in time.

Functional Diagrams (Bubble diagrams)
A plan in Embryo identify the proximity and size of zones of activity.

Flow Diagrams
Study direction, intensity, conflict, problems, with movement, pedestrian transport, information, air and water currents.

Analytical Diagrams
Visual identification and relating design constraints which influence/evolve conception. Investigation of the nature of existing conditions SITE ANALYSIS.
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Understanding Conceptual Space
Space Perception | Psychological space
Perceptual Space | Tactile Sensations