Guide to Site Documentation and Site Analysis

Site Documentation and Analysis | Green Infrastructure Design

Involve connectivities (Airport, Bus stop, study of roads, road widening, Bus service, train service etc)

Site and surroundings

Three important aspects are to be considered while analysing the surroundings of the site.

  1. Zoning (Agricultural, Industrial, residential, commercial , recreational etc)
  2. Neighbourhood Analysis
  3. Natural elements present in the site surroundings (Vegetation, rocks, river etc)

Analysis of Services in and around site

  1. Electricity lines
  2. Drainage lines
  3. Telephone lines
  4. Cable lines
  5. Postal services

Contour Analysis is very important for efficient site planning. Contour Analysis helps in determining the slope of the site which proves to be an important factor for site planning.

Recording the flora fauna, soil subsoil, underground water, above ground

Important requirements to be incorporated while site planning | Green Infrastructure

Active, Semi-active and Passive features are to be listed out which we can incorporate into our design.

We have already discussed various Passive and Active features regarding Green Architecture. All these features have to be studied, analysed on site if they exist and then should be incorporated into your design.

Design and allocation of Active and Passive features is an important part of Zoning.

Important design features to be incorporated into your Zoning design

  • Zone it
  • Contour it according to your requirements
  • Show proposed paths, networks, water bodies and ponds
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Water Recycling
  • Sewage Treatment
  • Solar PV for general lighting
  • Trees, shrubs and bushes
  • Berms
  • Trellises
  • Pergolas
  • Windmills
  • Local trees, plants, bushes etc.

14 thoughts on “Guide to Site Documentation and Site Analysis”

  1. everything is good and useful in this site, thanks.
    I am expecting case study on iim, nift and small hospital.
    pl suggest where i can find it.

  2. hey…am having challenges in my site analysis…e.g like distinguishing btwn temperature and humidity graphs and also how to make recommendations for wind

  3. This is best site!! Everything is useful! it helps me in my final yr design project!! my thesis topic is interpretation center and i m not getting exact information, refferences and case studies related to my topic!!
    plz suggest somthing related to my topic!!

    thank you..

  4. Could you suggest some literature studies for spaces in an oldage home cum orphanage. I am trying to combine the two together in the same campus for mutual benefit in my thesis.

  5. hi, i am currently doing my thesis and my topic is to combine old age homes and orphanages in one campus. i am not able to finalise a site for it. there is a confusion wheater the site should be located in the urban area with facilties located close by, or on the outskirts within natural surroundings.
    can you help me with it?

    • Hello Maithelee,

      In my view, the site should neither be located in an urban area or in the outskirts. It should be located in a more suburban area so that they can have best of both.


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