Architecture Weekly | 19th May 2012

Architectural drawing Approach

Architecttural drawing is a subject taught in Architecture as well as Civil Engineering colleges. Hence, it is important for students to pay special attention to the subject since it requires concentration and dedication to achieve excellence in this particular subject.

This article is about past art, Contemporary art and architecture, importance of learning fundamentals of architectural/engineering drawing and the distractions to be avoided in order to excel.

Site Planning guide

Site planning is an important aspect of Architectural design. It is important that designers are completely aware of all the factors that are to be taken into consideration while designing.

This article has been written in order to explain various factors that are essentially to be considered while taking up Site planning. The site planning considerations that have been discussed in the article are as follows:

  • Environmental factors
  • Identification of site and its preparation
  • Natural factors which include Geology, topography, Hydrography, soil, Vegetation, Wild life etc.
  • Climatic factors
  • Cultural factors
  • Existing land use

Site Documentation and Site Analysis

The importance of Site documentation and site analysis cannot be denied. It is the role of any designer to perform a complete detailed documentation and analysis of the site before designing and construction.

The article has been written in order to address various aspects to be considered while analyzing the surroundings of the site. It also addresses important requirements to be incorporated in site planning in order achieve a greener environment. The important design features that are to be necessarily incorporated in your zoning layout are also mentioned.

It is a must for every architect/engineer or a designer to have complete knowledge of site documentation and site analysis.

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Site, Structure and its Surroundings | Principles of Green Architecture

Site and its Surroundings | Siting and Structure Design Efficiency

“Site and its Surroundings” is one of the seven principles of Green Building Architecture. In our earlier articles, we discussed about Sustainable Development.

Here are the seven Principles of Green Architecture:

  1. Site and its surroundings
  2. Energy Efficiency
  3. Water Efficiency
  4. Material Efficiency
  5. Indoor Air Quality
  6. Waste Reduction
  7. Low maintenance costs

The Green Principle “Site and its Surroundings” deals with it. We can relate them and try to understand the essence of this whole principle.

Site and its Surroundings
Site and its Surroundings

For a better understanding and study of the concept, we can divide the principle into three parts:

  1. Selection of a suitable site
  2. Site Analysis
  3. Site Development

Selection of a suitable site

Selection of a site depends on the type and the size of the Project. Our aim is to reduce the consumption of energy resources and still create an efficient structure.

Site selection is mainly based on two factors:

  1. Factors concerning “the before construction of the project”
  2. Factors concerning “the after construction of the structure” (after use efficiency)

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Site Selection and Analysis | Architectural Thesis

Site Analysis for Construction

Site Analysis is very important before we initiate our construction. Detailed study of site and its surroundings will help justify our design proposal. Detailed study of the site and surrounding areas of the site helps in designing the project efficiently.

Site Selection

A site is selected on the basis of the demand of the construction

An already existing site is taken, is analyzed and the kind of project to be proposed on that particular site is decided.

An empty site to be analyzed for construction
An empty site to be analyzed for construction

New Trend: Environmental Friendly or Green Building Construction

When analyzing the site, we also have to consider the impact of the structure on the surrounding environment. If the proposed structure would have any negative impact on the environment. In one of our earlier articles, we have discussed “Site selection” and “Site Analysis” with respect to the environmental impact.

Check it out:

Selection of a suitable site | Environmental Sustainability

Site Analysis and Development

Here are some of the steps to be followed for Site Analysis:

Google Maps

Locate your site on the google maps.

It will give you an idea of the:

Site contours

The connectivity to the main road and other sub roads

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Guide to Site Documentation and Site Analysis

Site Documentation and Analysis | Green Infrastructure Design

Involve connectivities (Airport, Bus stop, study of roads, road widening, Bus service, train service etc)

Site and surroundings

Three important aspects are to be considered while analysing the surroundings of the site.

  1. Zoning (Agricultural, Industrial, residential, commercial , recreational etc)
  2. Neighbourhood Analysis
  3. Natural elements present in the site surroundings (Vegetation, rocks, river etc)

Analysis of Services in and around site

  1. Electricity lines
  2. Drainage lines
  3. Telephone lines
  4. Cable lines
  5. Postal services

Contour Analysis is very important for efficient site planning. Contour Analysis helps in determining the slope of the site which proves to be an important factor for site planning.

Recording the flora fauna, soil subsoil, underground water, above ground

Important requirements to be incorporated while site planning | Green Infrastructure

Active, Semi-active and Passive features are to be listed out which we can incorporate into our design.

We have already discussed various Passive and Active features regarding Green Architecture. All these features have to be studied, analysed on site if they exist and then should be incorporated into your design.

Design and allocation of Active and Passive features is an important part of Zoning.

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