Raj Rewal | Revolutionary Architect of India

Legendary Architect of India – Raj Rewal

Raj Rewal was born in 1934 in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. He created a revolution in geometric design systems. Creation of geometric systems and responding visual imageries are apparent in Raj Rewal’s architectural works.

Raj Rewal - Indian Architect
Raj Rewal - Indian Architect

Education of Raj Rewal

He lived in Delhi and Shimla for a couple of years in his childhood that is from 1939 – 1951. He attended Harcourt Butler higher secondary school. In 1951-1954, he attended Delhi School of Architecture in New Delhi.

He was very imaginative and a creative person. His imaginative perception helped him go a long way. He believed in gaining knowledge and then applied his knowledge mingled with creativity in his projects.

After completing the post graduation in Architecture; in 1955-1961, he moved to London and attended the architectural association of architecture for one year. He completed his formal professional training at the Brixton school of building, London.

Raj Rewal took up his first job as an assistant stage manager for several avante grade theatre production in London. He became an associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, London.

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Javed Kachchhi | Indian Modern Architect of Today

Javed Kachchhi | Modern Architect of India

Javed Kachchhi is an Indian Architect known for his highly innovative works in Modern Architecture as well as Classical Architecture. He is renowned for his art of blending Modern Architecture with the Older Architectural Styles.

Architect Javed Kachchhi
Architect Javed Kachchhi

Early Life and Education

Javed Yunus Kachchhi was born in 1964 in Nashik, Maharashtra, the first son in the family. Javed Kachchhi completed his schooling from a local school in Nashik. Since he was five, he had a natural flair for paintings, sketching and doing creative crafts. He was very imaginative and creative.

He studied Civil Engineering at RIT, Islampur, Maharashtra. He was a great student even at a course which involved a lot of technical calculations and details.

After his Civil Engineering, he decided on setting up a private practice. He then worked as a Designer and a Civil Engineer for two years. He completed his Certificate course in Interior Designing (I. I. D) in 1990 from Kolhapur. But he realized that Civil Engineering was not his ultimate goal and was not an ultimate profession to channel out his creativity. He wanted to showcase his art and creativity to the world.

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Important Projects of Le Corbusier | Modern Architecture Exemplified

Le Corbuier was an architect, painter and a philosopher. He became a powerful thinker of new urban theories and propounded a bold, modern architecture.

In 1951, he was appointed Architectural Adviser to the Punjab government for designing the new capital city, Chandigarh. This city represents the expression of his revolutionary ideas and is where his greatest monuments have been erected.

Villa Savoye
Villa Savoye

Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright became the pioneers of Modern Architecture….

He lived his austere life and admired the simple and the useful. He was not only an architect and a planner but a painter, a sculptor, in secret a poet, a visionary whose view encompassed all that concerns man. Above all, Corbusier was a great humanist whose primary preoccupation was the welfare of man. He worked in India for a pittance and did not die a rich man.

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Le Corbusier | Legendary Trendsetter of Modern Architecture

“Architecture is the play of forms under light.”

Charles Edouard Jeanneret was born at La Chaux de Fonds on October 6, 1887 and later adopted the pseudonym Le Corbusier. He came from a family of watch engravers in Switzerland, and his mother was a musician.

Centre le Corbusier, Zurich
Centre le Corbusier, Zurich

He grew to maturity in the intellectually stimulating city of Paris and adopted French nationality. He travelled extensively and learnt many lessons from the classical architecture of Greece and the Europen cities.

He became a powerful thinker of new urban theories and propounded a bold, modern architecture. In 1951, he was appointed Architectural Adviser to the Punjab government for designing the new capital city, Chandigarh. This city represents the expression of his revolutionary ideas and is where his greatest monuments have been erected.

Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright became the pioneers of Modern Architecture….

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