Is Contemporary Architecture Inspired Art or Plagiarism of the Past?

Architecture is a vast subject. When you study Architecture, you deal with science, history, engineering and art. As such, there are very few people who are renowned Architects, who actually leave their mark on the world.

Architectural students and Professional Architects face a dilemma.

  1. How important is it to study and learn History of Architecture?
  2. What is the use of such a subject that glorifies the past while belittling the present?
  3. What is the need for the past when our minds are capable of creating wonders in the present?

Inspired Art or an Act of Plagiarism

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Building Green Architecture | Sustainable Design

What is “Green Approach”?

It is difficult to define Green building Architecture. Although we could define what the green approach could be like. It takes into consideration the impact of design of buildings on the environment. Constructing a building requires resources. For example, materials for construction, fuel, users engagement in design etc. All of these factors are considered in Green building architecture. They form the backbone of this type of approach.

the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann
the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann

Designing green buildings has become a motto to many design companies and individual designers. It is important to pay attention to the conflicting issues that arise out of design. Every design decision needs to be thought with depth since it has environmental implications which could be harmful to us.

Measures for green buildings can be divided into four areas:

  1. Reduction in energy consumption
  2. Environmental damage prevention by reducing external pollution
  3. Reduction in embodied energy and prevent resource depletion
  4. Indoor air quality (and hence maintain good health)

One of the excellent examples of Green Architecture is “Aliens Space Station”.

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A Guide to Site Planning


Site Planning

Site planning involves arranging structures on the land and shaping spaces between them. It is an art linked to architecture, and city planning. The site plan locates objects and activities in space and time. It may be concerned with a small cluster of houses, a single building and the surrounding space, or a small community built in a single operation.

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Le Corbusier | The Legend

Legendary Architect Le Corbusier

National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo

  • Le Corbusier – A Legend
  • Born on October 6, 1887
  • Swiss-French architect, painter, and writer
  • development of modern architecture
  • Le Corbusier designed his first project at the age of nineteen with a local architect.
  • studied modern building construction under Auguste Perret in Paris
  • He also worked in Berlin in the architectural office of Peter Behrens.
  • In 1912, after returning to his hometown, he taught architecture in L’Éplattenier’s industrial art school
  • Worked with German architect Josef Hoffmann.
  • In 1917, Le Corbusier left his homwtown La Chaux-de-Fonds and moved to Paris
  • In 1918 he lost the sight of one eye, a traumatic event, which affected his spatial orientation.
  • In 1922, partnership with Pierre Jeanneret.

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