Three step Guide to a Retail Store Design

Designing a Retail Store

Design is a subject that has different methods to be adopted, various design considerations that are to be followed. The methods of design and the design considerations vary from design to design. We cannot design the Hospital as per the design considerations you must have listed for a shopping complex.

Retail store Design
Retail store Design

The user group, the user requirements, the purpose changes and so does the design procedure and the design itself.

In this article, we are going to discuss three main design considerations that are to be considered for the design of a retail store. We will also discuss about how a certain design can influence the business of the retail store.

Three important Design Considerations for a Retail store design

  1. Understanding an efficient method of Space utilization
  2. Understanding the target group
  3. Understanding the importance of the display area of the products

After the implementation and initiation of the three important considerations for a Retail Store Design, another important aspect of Architectural Design “Form follows Function” has to be well initiated.

    Understanding an efficient method of Space Utilization

    Efficiency of space utilization is the central functional requirement of the design of any retail space. It is important that the display, services, storage and customer movement are integrated in the best possible form. It is also important to have ease of access to the emergency exits and visibility of important signage present within the retail setup.

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    New Trends in the Bathroom Architecture

    Evolution of the concept of New Bathroom Architecture

    Bathroom Architecture has gained lot of importance in the recent years. People are beginning to like trendy bathroom ware and make it all spacious and lavish. The concept of Modern Bathrooms has brought about a revolution in the field of Bathroom designs.  The choice of colours for the bathrooms that is the colour schemes are also decided by the users very carefully to suit the ambiance of their lavishly designed bathrooms.

    Modern Bathrooms
    Modern Bathrooms

    When it comes to selecting the colours for the Bathroom design, white dominates, followed by ivory; two colors that are considered neutral and match any tile background. In addition to this, a sparkling clean white toilet speaks a lot about an individual. Hence, people prefer white to other colors. In terms of deigns, geometrical and fusion are in vogue. Though the new trend emphasized on a simpler, spacious and cleaner bathrooms, its use to inculcate the personal style of individuals into their baths is also on the rise.

    Various different trendy bathroom products have come into picture and the demand for the products is ever growing. More and more people are using these products to add some personality to their bathrooms. There are various designs and wall finishes available for the design of bathrooms which add elegance to the space. Other trends in bath spaces include ergonomics issues, dry bathrooms, water saving, streamlined design trends, new technology and ease of use.

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    Booming Construction Industry and the Changing trends in Architecture

    Rapid industrialization and infrastructural development were the key factors that drove the exponential growth of the construction industry in recent years. A healthy GDP, growth in housing, financial grwoth and the retail boom also contributed to the historically unmatched demand at a large scale.

    Design of Modern Bathrooms
    Design of Modern Bathrooms

    Various recent activities have brought about the growth of the sales market which is letting construction industry grow. Since the world is hit by economic recession, it hasn’t really affected the Construction Industry much.

    During the last couple of years, the key companies have been busy doubling their production capacities to reach the market demand. Asian countries basically developing nations are growing a strong and smart market of products. India has emerged as a major bath and sanitary ware market in the Asia-Pacific region with strong demand both from new projects as well as replacement segments.

    People are getting richer and better off with their rising income which is bringing more demand for various urban consumer products for the bathrooms and is booming up the markets. In the recent years, Bathroom Architecture has gained quite a lot of popularity and has given a way to Modern Bathroom Designs. The new concept of Bathroom designs has created a revolution in the mass production of various Bathroom fittings in the country.

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    Contemporary Designs and Sustainability | Green Architecture

    People all over the world are realizing the need for the conservation of natural resources that are being used for the sake of creating spaces that involve use of materials that are energy intensive and are expensive.

    Green building Organization in America
    Green building Organization in America

    Green Building Architecture is all about a building’s entire life cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. People are now concerned about factors such as economy, utility, durability, and comfort. The practice of Green and Sustainable design is growing throughout the world making people concerned about various issues regarding building design and have achieved quite a lot of success.

    Every country in the world has their own traditional architectural styles. Traditional architectural styles involve the use of materials that are locally available and are available in abundance. But lately, after the industrial revolution and creation of energy intensive materials, the mindsets of people have changed drastically. They crave for more of fancy designs that involve the use of materials that are not available locally but are imported from different cities of the country or altogether different nations of the world. This style is called “Contemporary or Modern Design.”

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