Rainwater Harvesting – Need of the Hour | Green Building feature

Green Buildings – Rainwater Harvesting

When we are talking about the incorporation of various design features that would make the building green, it is not just the expensive materials that consume less energy or are less energy intensive. Earlier we discussed various Active and Passive features to be incorporated to make the building green without increasing the cost of infrastructure by purchasing expensive green materials.

Following green principles and design features that would make the building energy efficient and green also results in Sustainable Development which has become the prime need of the time.

Catching Hill Run offwater
Catching Hill Run offwater

Rainwater Harvesting is one such design feature that is to be incorporated in any kind of building; be it a commercial or residential complex.

Rainwater Harvesting is a technology in which individual building or a group of buildings collect and utilize rainwater during the rainy season. This water can be stored in storage tanks and used for non-domestic purposes.

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Building Green Architecture | Sustainable Design

What is “Green Approach”?

It is difficult to define Green building Architecture. Although we could define what the green approach could be like. It takes into consideration the impact of design of buildings on the environment. Constructing a building requires resources. For example, materials for construction, fuel, users engagement in design etc. All of these factors are considered in Green building architecture. They form the backbone of this type of approach.

the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann
the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann

Designing green buildings has become a motto to many design companies and individual designers. It is important to pay attention to the conflicting issues that arise out of design. Every design decision needs to be thought with depth since it has environmental implications which could be harmful to us.

Measures for green buildings can be divided into four areas:

  1. Reduction in energy consumption
  2. Environmental damage prevention by reducing external pollution
  3. Reduction in embodied energy and prevent resource depletion
  4. Indoor air quality (and hence maintain good health)

One of the excellent examples of Green Architecture is “Aliens Space Station”.

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