Importance of Regularly Attending the Office

Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Professional Practice

In my previous article, I discussed the method of obtaining work “Importance of Telephone and Computer Networking”. Now we will move on with the discussion on the next method “Importance of Regularly attending the Office”.

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance

Regular attendance | Professional Practice

You must be regular in opening the office and shall be present there at the appointed time whether there is work or no work. During the office hours, there has to be someone present in the office to answer the phone calls or to receive the visitors, in case you are gone out for work. Unanswered telephone calls during office hours make a bad impression. Be particular in attending telephone messages. Electronic answering machines can replace an attendant. You can virtually run one-man office with the help of a computer. Remember regularity in work is a virtue.

Soft Music

Unlike share market, architect’s office is a very quite place, everyone is busy on his work desk. This quietude shall not tend to a dead or dull atmosphere. To keep atmosphere of the office lively and cheerful, it helps to play a soft music at a very low tone, particularly in the drawing office.

Also check out “Guide to Personality Development for Professionals“.


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