Green Architecture Vs Current Architectural Techniques

Comparison of Green Architecture with current Architectural Techniques

Any form of design, minimises environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living process.

But our current system of building lacks respect of natural environment as well as for individual people and society as a whole. There is not a single building component used in current construction that can be labelled safe, earth friendly, and low embodied energy. A few materials meet one or two of their criteria, but for the most part the majority of materials fails to meet all three.

Green Architecture is not limited to one material although many materials should be avoided, but encourages the use of materials that are most appropriate for a particular place, climate and program. Green Architecture is also not a style such as post modernism, art deco or gothic.

Many people are beginning to associate certain types of organic forms with Green Architecture thus alternating those people that do not find the so called ‘Style’ appealing.

Green Architecture is a philosophy or movement and an approach to design, not merely an aesthetic exercise. If one has to be successful, Green Architecture must be appealing like classicists, modernists and practitioners of the organic movement alike.

Impact of Green House Gases and its effects

Many chemical compounds found in the earth atmosphere act as Green House Gases. These gases allow sunlight, which is radiated in the visible and ultra violet spectra, to enter the atmosphere unimpeded. When it strikes the earth’s surface, some of the sunlight is reflected as infrared radiation. Green House Gases tend to absorb this infra red radiation as it is reflected back, towards space, trapping the heat in the atmosphere.

Many gases exhibit such ‘Green House’ properties. For example, those that occur naturally in the atmosphere, water vapour, carbon-dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

Evidence accumulated by the intergovernmental panel on climatic change which assesses the scientific, technical, and socio economic information regarding climate change indicates that global mean surface or temperature as increased between approximately 0.3 degree Celsius to 0.6 degree Celsius. Since the last 19th century, although there is a considerable uncertainty about whether this temperature increases has been caused by anthropogenic Green House Gas emissions.

The IPCC has concluded that the balance of evidence suggests that there has been a discernible human influence on global climate.

The growth in their concentration is believed to be caused by human activity. In particular, anthropogenic carbon-dioxide emissions have increased dramatically since the beginning of the industrial age due to burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

6 thoughts on “Green Architecture Vs Current Architectural Techniques”

  1. Solar panels are commonly used in green architecture. Coupled with their storage tanks, the panels allow energy storage for temperature keeping, cooking, running computers etc. Recently, combining solar panels with wind energy has been very successful.

  2. If I have to choose, I’d rather choose Green Architecture. With the new trend today, people are now turning into green. How wonderful it is that we are now more focus on a greener earth. I am glad that we are gearing towards a greener environment. Great news.

  3. Green Architecture is beautiful…..simple looking in an elegant fashion to capture the eye of any architect enthusiast but the actual planning and building….it’s the devil in the details

  4. I’d be interested in living in a ‘green’ house someday. I’m not very architecturally-minded anyway so I may as well help the environment.

  5. green architecture is awesome…the symbiosis, the harmony, conservation , the R’s evreything about it is astonishing…its just beautiful..


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