Passenger Information Displays | HSR Station Design

Design of Passenger Information Display

Stations are well equipped with Information systems. They are also referred to as a Passenger System (PIS) or Passenger Information Display. These information systems are essential since they guide the passengers on the station. They inform the passengers of where the trains are going.

The most common complaint of the passengers on the station is the lack of accurate information. This gets the passengers really frustrated and results in a spoilt experience.

It is very important to train the staff members of the ways to use the latest system so that they have all the latest information and data required which would help them answer the questions of the passengers satisfactorily.

When any staff member is asked a question about the train arrivals, departures or any other information, the staff member should be able to give apt and accurate reply. If he is not aware and does not have the latest information, he would start guessing. And nothing is more annoying than this to the passengers.

Where and how should the Information Displays be placed?

The placement of the information displays plays a very important role in the efficient functioning of the Train stations.

They should be placed in public areas for easy visibility by passengers. Care should be taken to make sure that the visibility of the displays is not affected by the changing weather conditions of the place.

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HSR Stations design guide | Architectural Design

Design of High Speed Rail Stations

India has a huge railway network. The length and spread of railway networks is amazingly vast. India ranks first in the length of railway network in Asia and second largest in the world.

Development of High Speed rail Networks is catching up a lot of speed in Europe. USA government is taking initiatives in order to develop HSR stations and enhance their public transport system.

HSR Station design by Santiago Calatrava
HSR Station design by Santiago Calatrava

United States of America is now realizing the importance of the nature of railroads and the power and speed of trains. It was seen that the number of road accidents had considerably increased. It was found that the increase in the number of road accidents was directly proportional to the decreased use of railways.

Indian Railway Ministry has ambitious plans for the development of railways for the year 2020.

Being able to design Railway Station keeping in mind today’s needs is very important. This article is dedicated to the basics of design of High Speed Rail Station. This will give the readers an insight on the design of HSR/Metro Stations.

Let us first understand the importance and function of a Station.

Stations are places where passengers check in and check out of the train. Station is the first point of contact between the passengers and the railway. It is to be understood that stations should be well designed, comfortable, aesthetically appealing, functionally efficient (efficient layout and planning of station will ensure efficient circulation).

My entire purpose for writing an article on the Design of HSR Stations is to help you understand all the design considerations that are to be importantly incorporated.

We would be discussing the design considerations for the important station areas so that designing could get handy.

Important Station Areas: