Introduction to Architecture | Era of New Architectural Styles

Introduction to Architecture | Architecture Style of the 21st Century

What is Architecture??

“Arch”- a form of construction and “tecture”- the surface of the structure.

Architecture is defined as designing the structures with respect to their interiors, exteriors and also the surroundings of the structure. It is considered as a form of art and science.

People who have the creative ability of imagination and then transforming it into concepts go for Architecture. If along with creative genius, a person is coupled with the technical aspects of construction, any kind of design made by such an Architect could be very well and easily be executed since the Architect himself would understand the technicalities involved in the execution of a specific design.

Parthenon, Athens
Parthenon, Athens

Architects give a certain feel to the space depending on what structure it is. Their understanding of architectural factors such as mass, texture, use of colours, use of appropriate materials, play of light and shadow in the interiors to create illusion etc.

Two major goals are to be accomplished in Architecture:

  • Functional aspect
  • Aesthetic aspect

That is, along with structure being functional, the structure also has to be aesthetically appealing which would make the people want to appreciate the structure.

If we study the history of Architecture, we will see that a lot of architectural styles flourished in different parts of the world and were then modified with the changing lifestyles of the people.

Some architectural styles were plan specific, some were elevation specific, some flourished because of the available materials in that particular era etc.

It is very crucial for Architecture students, Architects and all the designers to understand and feel the essence of real Architecture.

Architecture is not just designing buildings, it is an art of integrating the design of buildings with its surroundings which would include its environment and the Urban fabric.

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Importance of Sustainable Architecture in 21st Century

Save Mother Earth - Aim of Sustainable Development

What is Sustainable Development?

The word “Development ” in this definition implicates two important aspects of the concept: It is omni-disciplinary, it cannot be limited to a number of disciplines or areas, but it is applicable to the whole world and everyone and everything on it, now and in the future. Secondly, there is no set aim, but the continuation of development is the aim of the development.

Save Mother Earth - Aim of Sustainable Development
Save Mother Earth – Aim of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is important for the environmental stability of our Mother Earth… The main focus of Sustainable Development is to preserve the natural resources and use them very cautiously so that we can protect our Mother Earth from devastation…!!

The definition is based on two concepts:

  1. The concept of needs, comprising of the conditions for maintaining an acceptable life standard for all people, and
  2. The concept of limits of the capacity of the environment to fulfil the needs of the present and the future, determined by the state of technology and social organization.

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Building Green Architecture | Sustainable Design

What is “Green Approach”?

It is difficult to define Green building Architecture. Although we could define what the green approach could be like. It takes into consideration the impact of design of buildings on the environment. Constructing a building requires resources. For example, materials for construction, fuel, users engagement in design etc. All of these factors are considered in Green building architecture. They form the backbone of this type of approach.

the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann
the Blu Homes mkSolaire, a green building designed by Michelle Kaufmann

Designing green buildings has become a motto to many design companies and individual designers. It is important to pay attention to the conflicting issues that arise out of design. Every design decision needs to be thought with depth since it has environmental implications which could be harmful to us.

Measures for green buildings can be divided into four areas:

  1. Reduction in energy consumption
  2. Environmental damage prevention by reducing external pollution
  3. Reduction in embodied energy and prevent resource depletion
  4. Indoor air quality (and hence maintain good health)

One of the excellent examples of Green Architecture is “Aliens Space Station”.

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