Use of colors | Painting Techniques
Perception of color affects muscular tension, brain waves, heart rate, respiration, and other functions of the autonomic nervous system. Earlier, we discussed “Affect of Color Schemes on Human Behavior“.
Yellow – suicidal inclined persons use yellow
Red – A powerful and active color – warm
Green – A calming color
Blue – Cool, colourless clearly focussed on the eye
Dark colors – Masculine – clearly defines spaces
Tins – more friendly, pleasant, beautiful than darker
Grey – neutral color
All of the above depend upon material and texture and intensity of color

The use of Colors should be done as follows:
(Select a pallete of any 3 primary colors + white and Black)
- Scarlet Lake
- Cadmium Yellow
- Cobalt Blue
- Crimson
- Yellow ochre
- Pressian Blue