Guide to Personality Development for Professionals | Architecture

Development of Personality for Professionals in Architecture

Personality Development is very important in the field of Architecture or for that matter in any field. Presenting yourself in a pleasant and winning hearts over is  a great skill to master. Students getting out of Universities are not always aware of the necessity of “Personality Development Programme”. Every student or a newbie professional must remember that they are now into the real world dealing with variety of people with different thoughts, attitudes and personalities. I reason I am writing these articles is for students who haven’t been able to develop confidence and need be aware of certain vitally important “Personality Development aspects”. So here we go…

We often say this word ‘personality’ and say, “I was impressed by her personality”. But what do we mean by the word ‘personality’? More often than not it is used only in reference with the outward appearance. Then it is a very shallow meaning. That is why often you develop disagreement with the personality, which has impressed you to begin with.

It is very difficult to define the word personality. Though it begins with appearance, it does not end up with it. It includes the dress, the language, behaviour, knowledge and everything of that person. A British author had said, “A man is a bundle of habits neatly done up in coat and trousers”.

I find this is a good definition. ‘A personality is the total reflection of your habits both good as well as bad’. To be successful professional you must cultivate a good personality. It means a conscious effort must be made in your young age to inculcate good habits in you. These days colleges do not pay any importance to this subject. That is an apathy.

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Importance of Telephone and Computer Networking in Architectural Practice

Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Professional Practice

In my previous article, I discussed the method of obtaining work “By Establishing Direct Contacts and setting up Office”. Now we will move on with the discussion on the next method “Telephone and Computer Networking”.

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance



These days telephone has become a common thing. You shall arrange to have a separate number for office. Even in a small town, you shall have a separate telephone connection for your office. Through the telephone system, you are virtually well connected with the world. Even if you are working in a small town through telephone, fax, E-mail you can be in touch with consultants and clients world over.

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