Technology and Sustainability

Should we rely on Technological innovations to achieve Sustainability?

Sustainability is very complex a subject to understand. If it is taken literally, it feels so simple but is very deep in its meaning. It has varied contexts ranging from macro to micro contexts. It has its roots in every field possible, ranging from fashion designing, product designing, Architecture, Urban Planning etc. each field being so different from the other.

How do we think of technological innovations when we think of sustainability? The way world changed in the past 100 years is because of the technological innovations that took place. How dependent we really are on technology? To be honest, the quality of life became better, our life styles changed after the industrial revolution after which our societies have been continuously changing and evolving and taking a step higher and higher with regards to lifestyle changes. The amount of resources we used up in the past 100 years is enormous and we are aware that we can never reverse the cycle.

So, it is important to think, if we should continue on the same path. We all feel trapped because we know that we are heading towards a natural resources crisis that could bring our lifestyles to a standstill. Inspite of the awareness, we still continue to use the resources ruthlessly without giving a thought of what might happen to our future generations. How would they survive if we were to use up all the resources on earth?

The most important question is, “Can we still rely on the technological innovation to give us solutions on how to live sustainably without having to compromise on our current lifestyles?” Should we still place our faith in innovation? Would it be the right thing to do?

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Energy Efficiency | Sustainability

Sustainability and Design | Energy Efficient design techniques

In one of our earlier articles, we made a questionnaire on “Energy efficient Techniques”. In this article, we will discuss the answers to each of those questions.

Energy Efficiency Questionnaire

Achieving Energy Efficiency through Urban Planning

Hong Kong | Urban Planning Setup
Hong Kong | Urban Planning Setup

What is Energy Efficiency? Define Energy Efficient Architecture.

Energy Efficiency implies on using less energy to required for various products and services without compromising on the need of the usage.

“Energy efficiency” and “energy conservation” are not similar.

Let us study with the help of examples:

Examples of Energy Efficiency

When the walls and roofs are insulated, the use of air conditioners and heating systems is reduced while still keeping the indoor environment comfortable.

When a refrigerator or washing machine is replaced by the same appliance that require lesser amount of energy to carry out the same function is called “energy efficiency”.

Examples of Energy Conservation

When a tube light is switched off during day time, it can be termed as energy conservation.

 For what purpose is the significant amount of energy used in homes?

Energy is mainly used for cooling and heating purposes. Air conditioners and heating systems require extensive amount of energy for its functioning.

Hence, designers must design the house in such a way that the use of air conditioners and heating systems can be minimized without compromising on the comfort.

What is to be done in order to avoid the extensive use of air conditioners for cooling?

The orientation of the house/any building should be taken into consideration. Climatological aspects of the place have to be studied before designing the structure.

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