Types of Arches | Architectural Details

 Six basic arch styles | Building Construction

A roman arch which is also known as a semi-circular arch. It forms a semi-circle. It is generally made of brick masonry.

Semi-circular arch or Roman Arch
Semi-circular arch or Roman Arch

Segmental Arch

A Syrian arch which is also known as a Segmental arch. It forms a partial curve since it has a small rise in the centre and is semi-elliptical across the top.

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Journey from Ancient to Modern Architecture!

Architecture | Ancient and Modern World!

Architecture is a science itself. Although, it does not fall under the category of sciences, it can still be called as “Architectural Science”.

Architecture is something that cannot be learnt or memorized… You have to feel it to understand the essence of design.

Designing in a specific architectural style gives a special meaning and feel to the space/structure/place (town, city etc).

Something that is so intriguing about Architecture is the fact that the lines, shapes and forms you draw on paper are actually transformed into a live structure on the ground.

What could be more fascinating than this particular fact!

When a kid makes a craft model by following the instructions from a craft book, he feels tremendously happy about his creation.

From the above example, if we are to replace the kid with an Architect and the craft model of paper replaced with the real structure on earth; how much more amazing does that sound!

 Have a look at the video below. It covers the wide range of Ancient and Modern Architectural styles…

Also, check out the other video on Amazing Structures.


Passenger Information Displays | HSR Station Design

Design of Passenger Information Display

Stations are well equipped with Information systems. They are also referred to as a Passenger System (PIS) or Passenger Information Display. These information systems are essential since they guide the passengers on the station. They inform the passengers of where the trains are going.

The most common complaint of the passengers on the station is the lack of accurate information. This gets the passengers really frustrated and results in a spoilt experience.

It is very important to train the staff members of the ways to use the latest system so that they have all the latest information and data required which would help them answer the questions of the passengers satisfactorily.

When any staff member is asked a question about the train arrivals, departures or any other information, the staff member should be able to give apt and accurate reply. If he is not aware and does not have the latest information, he would start guessing. And nothing is more annoying than this to the passengers.

Where and how should the Information Displays be placed?

The placement of the information displays plays a very important role in the efficient functioning of the Train stations.

They should be placed in public areas for easy visibility by passengers. Care should be taken to make sure that the visibility of the displays is not affected by the changing weather conditions of the place.

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Technological Revolution in Interior and Architectural Design

Influence of Technology on Architecture

The changes in economic conditions and the advancement in technology have resulted in changing the lifestyle of the people considerably. People seemed to have changed their way of living, the way they entertain themselves, spend their money, interact at work etc. This condition is not only evident in a particular country as such but this change is coming globally.

Today, interior designing is revising its design rules and principles. People are going for multi-functional furniture units, compact places to live in. This does not mean that they don’t love variety anymore. It is just that they want to make everything flexible enough to be used and converted as required. The advancement in technology has indeed brought a huge change in the field of design.

Let us discuss all that we are seeing today and also the reason for this transformation.

Increasingly less defined spaces

If we are to look into this particular aspect, we would notice that the way spaces were designed earlier with a specific purpose of its space allocation (rigid planning) has changed. People are now preferring flexible planning i.e. multi-functional spaces. This is more evident in the west since this trend is not very pronounced in Asia. In India and China, people are still conservative about planning their private spaces.

Multifunctional Spaces | Increasingly less defined spaces
Multifunctional Spaces | Increasingly less defined spaces

How did this multi-functionality trend develop?

Earlier, economic crisis that struck Europe led to the decrease in the incomes of the people. People began living at homes since they did not have offices to attend. Lifestyle started changing. People started preferring eating at home since it was less costly, entertaining themselves and just being. This brought the need for more investment into the living spaces. This “OPENNESS CONCEPT” began with the concept of having an open kitchen. Now, if we look at the interiors of the homes today, we can call them “Open Homes”.

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