Rock Gardens and Street Furniture | Elements of Landscape Architecture

As we have already discussed the “What Landscape Architecture is?” and the “Importance of Landscape Architecture“, we will directly move on to our main topic of discussion on the Elements of Landscape Architecture….

In this article, we are going to list out various landscape elements and discuss Rock Gardens and Street Furniture in detail.

Chandigarh's Rock Garden
Chandigarh's Rock Garden

Here are some of the elements of Landscape Design:

Natural Elements

Artificial Elements

These Landscape elements were derived from the “Modern Garden Architecture“. Development of Modern Garden Architecture is responsible for the development of Modern Gardens such as Chinese Gardens, Italian GardensPersian GardensFrench Gardens, Japanese Gardens, Dutch Gardens and the most Legendary one – The English Gardens

Design of “Rock Gardens”

  • Arranged groups of rocks, big boulders, or large stones constitute a rock garden. The rock outcrop could be naturally present at the site, which could be converted into a Rock Garden.
  • Alternatively, it could be created artificially by bonding large boulders with mud, cement or concrete.
  • This can be merged with plants growing in between the rocks. A water cascade can also be a part of the rock Garden.

Design of Street Furniture in Landscape Design

  • Any mode of seating provided in the external design space (landscape space) is known as street furniture.
  • These could be seats with backs or without backs. They are usually made of wood, concrete, stone or metal casting.
Street furniture
Street furniture
  • Concrete or stone seats may act as sculpture elements. These are easy to maintain and less prone to vandalism.
  • Wooden benches with backrests are most comfortable. Concrete and metal cast seats can also have backs. Seating could also be combined with tree-planters.
  • Street Furniture  provides for social and recreational gathering of people in outdoor spaces.

6 thoughts on “Rock Gardens and Street Furniture | Elements of Landscape Architecture”

  1. Stones are perfect decoration in a garden. choosing the correct shape, size and color of rocks to match your plants will definitely add attraction.

    btw, nice job!


  2. I love street furniture. I just wish we had more streets that’s spacious enough for these. It certainly makes a lot of difference in outdoor landscaping.



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