Relationship between Ancient and Modern Architecture

To be Modern is not a Fashion, it is a state. It is necessary to understand History, and he who understands History knows how to find continuity between that which was, that which is and that which will be.

Combining ancient and modern is not new. Throughout History, whether through inheritance or acquisition, people have adapted existing buildings and incorporated objects from previous generations and different cultures to create comfortable, individual and at times fashionable homes.

Roman Magistrate's chair served as an inspiration to Mies Van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair Design
Roman Magistrate's chair served as an inspiration to Mies Van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair Design

The co-existence and balance of ancient and modern is an important theme in our culture and our day to day lives. Ancient forms and concepts are apparent in architecture, design and fashion, from a dome or arch to a pair of denim jeans. Such forms appear as recurring templates or they can inspire reinventions, for instance a stella or Roman Magistrate’s stool was the inspiration for Meis Vander Rohe’s Barcelona chair.

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Importance of Sustainable Architecture in 21st Century

Save Mother Earth - Aim of Sustainable Development

What is Sustainable Development?

The word “Development ” in this definition implicates two important aspects of the concept: It is omni-disciplinary, it cannot be limited to a number of disciplines or areas, but it is applicable to the whole world and everyone and everything on it, now and in the future. Secondly, there is no set aim, but the continuation of development is the aim of the development.

Save Mother Earth - Aim of Sustainable Development
Save Mother Earth – Aim of Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is important for the environmental stability of our Mother Earth… The main focus of Sustainable Development is to preserve the natural resources and use them very cautiously so that we can protect our Mother Earth from devastation…!!

The definition is based on two concepts:

  1. The concept of needs, comprising of the conditions for maintaining an acceptable life standard for all people, and
  2. The concept of limits of the capacity of the environment to fulfil the needs of the present and the future, determined by the state of technology and social organization.

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Guide to Designing Old Age Homes

Old Age Home at Chandigarh

Design Procedure for the Old Age Homes

But before we start with discussing our design consideration factors, it is very important to know what an Old Age Home is like and what is its purpose of construction…

Old Age Home at Chandigarh
Old Age Home at Chandigarh

One important thing to be kept in mind before initiating the design process is that, we should study the purpose of the construction and what they are like.

This will give us a clear idea of what we are actually suppose to consider in the design…

Apart from literature case studies, Live case studies are also very important…

In my previous articles, we have discussed eleven factors to be considered for a successful case study

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Changing Trends in Architecture due to Globalization

As technology advances and India progresses it gets more difficult to disagree with Amartya Sen when he says that globalization is inevitable. Today in virtually everything, be it in people, places or commodities, it is easy to see the crossing of national boundaries. In a recent issue of Tehelka, writer and Architect Gautam Bhatia talks about the influence of globalization on architecture and how architecture has become just another commodity in today’s world.

Globalization in Architecture
Globalization in Architecture

He begins by saying that the increase in land values and the demand for floor space is without question responsible for putting Architecture on the fast track of change. But more importantly it is the people’s perceptions of style that seems to blame for accelerating this change.

Ten years ago, the Punjabi Baroque was an emerging style of Delhi’s houses, in which the persuasion to elevate modern domestic buildings to higher levels of ornamentation, was just a joke. The styles included those of Bania, Gothic, Early Hawai and Marwari Mannerisms. At that point of time this type of architecture seemed to have no purpose other than that of exterior decoration and was just thought of a passing stage that would soon die down without a doubt.

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