Fences, Drainage and Lighting | Elements of Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture is an art of shaping and beautifying the surroundings of a building… Beautifying the surroundings of the building enhanced the aesthetics of the building too. Importance of Landscape Architecture is more pronounced in the the European Architecture…

Landscaped Garden in Chandigarh
Landscaped Garden in Chandigarh

A beautifully designed building should also have a beautiful, pleasant and lively surroundings.

Use of various Landscape elements in a proper and systematic way helps develop beautiful and amazing surroundings…

Initially, Landscaping only consisted of huge lawns with a few tall and broad trees. After the development of Modern Gardens, the concept of Landscaping was adopted at residential and commercial levels also.

Modern Gardens such as Persian Gardens, Italian Gardens, French Gardens, Japanese Gardens and the Legendary Master of all “English Gardens” brought new changes in the concept of Landscaping…

In this article, we are going to discuss various Landscape Elements and figure out their importance…

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Art of Planting | Elements of Landscape Architecture

If we design a building that is aesthetically appealing and also decorate it beautifully  from inside, yet if its surrounding outside area is unclean and disorganized, then the impact of the pleasing appearance of the building will considerably reduce. A beautifully designed building should also have a beautiful, pleasant and lively surroundings…

Landscape Design - Emphasis on Symmetry
Landscape Design - Emphasis on Symmetry

This art of decorating and designing the surroundings with various different natural and artificial elements is called Landscape Architecture.

As mentioned in the previous article,

Landscaping is an art of planning the drives, walks, lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower-beds etc. so as to form a beautiful setting for a building. The main purpose of landscaping is to create a joyful environment round the building and give the occupants a healthy breath, good appearance and natural beauty.

In this article, we are going to list out various elements of Landscape and discuss “Planting” in the design of Landscape Architecture.

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Changing Trends in Architecture in the 21st Century

Building having Exterior Metal finish with diffused Lighting Techniques

Architecture has transformed from a complex creative process of integrating diverse functions, structural systems, myriad services and utilities, inter-related spaces and exterior-interior visual connections into a game of appliqué where one cuts and pastes decorations and ornament onto four sides of dull boxes.

Building having Exterior Metal finish with diffused Lighting Techniques | Architecture
Building having Exterior Metal finish with diffused Lighting Techniques | Architecture

The building in the picture above has a facade that is completely covered with sheets of perforated metal and acryllic  sheets. Diffused lighting technique has been used to illuminate the facade of the building. The use of diffused lighting has been used in an innovative manner.

All of us agree that when we evaluate a building for its overall appeal, the exterior facade takes the first place. The exterior aesthetics has gained more importance than the interior functionality. The building has to be made look visually pleasing. Ornamentation without function is otiose. But the trend has changed which has changed the definition of Ornamentation.

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Paving Styles | Elements of Landscape Design

Landscaping is an art of planning the drives, walks, lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower-beds etc. so as to form a beautiful setting for a building. The main purpose of landscaping is to create a joyful environment round the building and give the occupants a healthy breath, good appearance and natural beauty.

Lanscape Design - Chandigarh
Lanscape Design - Chandigarh

Landscape Architecture can also be defined as the composition of masses and spaces. There are various Elements of Landscape that help beautify and organize the environment.

In this article, we are going to list the various Landscape Elements and discuss in detail the design of Pavements using different types of materials…

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