The Spatial Codes | Architectural Drawing and Design

Understanding the concept of Spatial codes

Conceptual Graphics

In order to give birth to an idea the Architect must adopt some form of abstraction which represents the pictures in his mind using symbols or annotations.

Schematic diagrams

Simplified drawings of a concept which stress the relationship and orientations of its physical components.

Schematic diagrams
Schematic diagrams

Operational Diagrams

Transformations which aid the designer in visualizing changes in time.

Operational diagrams
Operational diagrams

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Understanding Pictorial Space | Architectural Drawing

Pictorial Space | Secondary cues to Depth

The aim of this drawing is to translate analytically an object into differing perceptions responding to four of the secondary depth cues.

  1. Relative apparent size – (Linear perspective) objects become smaller as they moveaway.
  2. Light and shadow
  3. Atmospheric Haze (Darker frontal tones to lighter variations in the background – through values/ or dotting technique)
  4. Overlap – contour drawing – boundaries
Here’s an Exercise that will help you understand the concept:
  • Design and draw a series of black and white bands on a sheet of paper with different thicknesses and widths.
  • Crush the sheet into a paper ball
  • Partially open up the paper ball into free standing mass of lines, form and space.
  • Place it under a strong light and draw four sketches

The image below is an example of the Exercise for understanding the concept of Pictorial Space.

Pictorial space | Architectural Drawing
Pictorial space | Architectural Drawing

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Mapping of Visual Parameters | Architectural Drawing

Understanding the concept of Mapping of Visual Parameters

The near/far fluctuations of the limits of our vision is the aim of this exercise which attempts to plot such parameters in a simple diagrammatic form.

  • Find a central open space in a locality
  • Draw the surrounding buildings/objects in PLAN
  • Stand in the middle and rotate on the spot. By rotating on the spot draw a line which describes at eye level; the shape of the limits of your all round field of vision.
  • Thus we create a spatial bubble.
Mapping of Visual Parameters
Mapping of Visual Parameters

 Also check out:

Understanding Conceptual Space

Space Perception | Psychological space

Perceptual Space | Tactile Sensations

Understanding Pictorial Space

Conceptual Space | Architectural Drawing and Design

Conceptual Space | Perception of Space

The design of space is first a mental concept and any resultant response is primarily experienced through visual perception.

A form oriented approach in which space can be literally ignored – or a waste product after design is still prevalent in architectural circles.

From a form dominated perception to a renewed awareness of space as dynamic – vase/ faces experiment tangible substance.

The spaces between buildings is as important as the spaces which contain them.

Conceptual Space | Perceptual Space
Source: Ar. Darwish  | Conceptual Space | Perceptual Space


Spatial Diagramming (Interior Spaces)

To create in a diagram and thinking attitude which has transported your minds eye through an interior space. It sharpens the mind. This is not a figurative drawing but a subjective diagram. The diagram might emerge elliptical due to the eyes perceptual window.

A) Draw lines from a field of vision different points – Select and connect various points in a room.

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