Development of Architectural Styles and Construction Techniques

Evolution of Architectural Styles with changing Construction Technology

How did different Architectural styles develop? What was the concept behind the development of different architectural styles around the world? Or rather what gave a boost to the evolution and development of specific architectural styles in specific regions?

Now if we are to have a look at the globe, we would realize that every country has its own architectural style. Architecture shapes the character of town/city/country. Now the questions how did so many different styles came into existence….??

Well, here’s the answer.

Building materials availability in different regions of the world

The availability of building materials play a huge role in the evolution of architectural style. The technology back then wasn’t as developed as it is today. So, designers of those times took all the necessary efforts to devise construction techniques for the construction of various structures in different sizes and forms. The forms were mostly derived from the construction technique used.

Parthenon at Athens, Greece
Parthenon at Athens, Greece

Influence of lifestyle of the people across the world

We all know that lifestyle does influence our choice and quality of living. Religion in the earlier days was more pronounced than it is today. In a city where the majority were Christians, the kind of constructions that took place were different types of Churches.

In different eras, these structures were reused differently for different purposes.

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Journey from Ancient to Modern Architecture!

Architecture | Ancient and Modern World!

Architecture is a science itself. Although, it does not fall under the category of sciences, it can still be called as “Architectural Science”.

Architecture is something that cannot be learnt or memorized… You have to feel it to understand the essence of design.

Designing in a specific architectural style gives a special meaning and feel to the space/structure/place (town, city etc).

Something that is so intriguing about Architecture is the fact that the lines, shapes and forms you draw on paper are actually transformed into a live structure on the ground.

What could be more fascinating than this particular fact!

When a kid makes a craft model by following the instructions from a craft book, he feels tremendously happy about his creation.

From the above example, if we are to replace the kid with an Architect and the craft model of paper replaced with the real structure on earth; how much more amazing does that sound!

 Have a look at the video below. It covers the wide range of Ancient and Modern Architectural styles…

Also, check out the other video on Amazing Structures.


Evolution of Architectural Styles | History of Architecture

World Architectural Styles

Earlier we discussed the following Architectural Styles:

Egyptian Architecture (3000BC – 100AD)

West Asiatic Architecture (2500BC – 600BC)

Indian Architecture (500BC to present day)

Chinese Architecture (3rd century BC to the present day)

Japanese Architecture (6th century AD to the present day)

Greek Architecture (650BC to 30BC)


Let us now move on with a brief discussion on Roman Architecture, Early Christian Architecture and Byzantine Architecture…

Roman Architecture (300BC to 365AD) (Preceded by Etruscans)

Certain aspects in Roman Architecture were influenced by the Greek Architectural style. Romans did take a few aspects from Greek Architecture but invented a totally different architectural styles.

Etruscans were preceded by Romans. Romans were indebted to the Etruscans for supplying them with knowledge on Structural systems. Etruscans had immense knowledge of Hydraulics and construction of arches.

Later on, with the development of newer and better materials, Roman Architecture took a new form.

The population of Rome was increasing which forced the designers of Rome to figure out new architectural solutions to cope with the growing problem. They constructed vaults and arches and had sound knowledge of building materials which helped them achieve great success in the construction of huge structures for general public use.

Roman Aqueducts are a very popular example of Roman engineering marvel. There were eleven aqueducts in the Rome itself. They were built over a period of 500 years. This is how the saying “Rome was not built in a day” is internationally popular.

Segovia Aqueduct, Rome
Segovia Aqueduct, Rome

Aqueduct of Segovia is one of the most significant and best preserved ancient monuments.

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