Site and its Surroundings | Siting and Structure Design Efficiency
“Site and its Surroundings” is one of the seven principles of Green Building Architecture. In our earlier articles, we discussed about Sustainable Development.
Here are the seven Principles of Green Architecture:
- Site and its surroundings
- Energy Efficiency
- Water Efficiency
- Material Efficiency
- Indoor Air Quality
- Waste Reduction
- Low maintenance costs
The Green Principle “Site and its Surroundings” deals with it. We can relate them and try to understand the essence of this whole principle.

For a better understanding and study of the concept, we can divide the principle into three parts:
- Selection of a suitable site
- Site Analysis
- Site Development
Selection of a suitable site
Selection of a site depends on the type and the size of the Project. Our aim is to reduce the consumption of energy resources and still create an efficient structure.
Site selection is mainly based on two factors:
- Factors concerning “the before construction of the project”
- Factors concerning “the after construction of the structure” (after use efficiency)