Transformations | Architectural Drawing

Understanding Architectural Transformations

The aim of the project is to involve the students in a pre-design exercise in leading the student from a simple shape to a complex design.

Each shape should involve – Repetition, Size


  • A full size tracing sheet divided by 4”x4” squares. A comic strip format.
  • Use of a soft pencil – 0.5mm – 2B
  • 6”x6” ordinary tracing sheet for over lays.
  • Take the most complex design in the last box, enlarge and use values and color. (Color pencils/ Water colors on hand made paper)


Transformations | Architectural Drawings
Transformations | Architectural Drawings

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Conceptual Space | Architectural Drawing and Design

Conceptual Space | Perception of Space

The design of space is first a mental concept and any resultant response is primarily experienced through visual perception.

A form oriented approach in which space can be literally ignored – or a waste product after design is still prevalent in architectural circles.

From a form dominated perception to a renewed awareness of space as dynamic – vase/ faces experiment tangible substance.

The spaces between buildings is as important as the spaces which contain them.

Conceptual Space | Perceptual Space
Source: Ar. Darwish  | Conceptual Space | Perceptual Space


Spatial Diagramming (Interior Spaces)

To create in a diagram and thinking attitude which has transported your minds eye through an interior space. It sharpens the mind. This is not a figurative drawing but a subjective diagram. The diagram might emerge elliptical due to the eyes perceptual window.

A) Draw lines from a field of vision different points – Select and connect various points in a room.

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Space Perception | Psychological Space

Perceptual/Psycological Space | Architectural Drawing

Observing the behaviour of occupants of different types of interior space and an introspection of ourselves in relation to each space.

  • A comic strip format
  • The shape, sound and dynamics of space
Psycological space | Space Perception
Psycological space | Space Perception

Select three different kinds of interior space:

  1. A small confined space – waiting room
  2. A large lofty space – mosque/mandir etc
  3. Public/Private space – a spherical shape

One hour in each space.

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