When students begin studying Architecture at a University, the first thing that they are supposed to become excellent at, is doing a documentation or a case study. It could be a case study of a small village, town, a villa, a bus-stop, or a high-rise commercial or residential building. A case study is an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, incident, or community. Other ways include experiments, surveys, or analysis of archival information
What is the purpose of conducting a Case Study?
As the term Case Study suggests, it is the study of a particular case that is similar to your topic of design project. Doing a case study will help you understand the various aspects that you have to consider while designing.
Casestudy, Analysis and Design Guide | Design Process of Major Bus Terminal for a Large City
Data Collection and Analysis
The site: Study and Analysis
Map of the City showing all the Transportation routes and networks
A Land survey of the exact boundaries
A topographical Map of the site
A Survey Map of all the Physical Elements on site such as Trees, Rocks, Peaks and Valleys, Water, Drainage, Electricity, High tension lines, low tension lines etc.
A Visual survey of the Surrounding Areas
Casestudy and Design of Bus Terminal
Building and Infrastructure – Study and Analysis
Surveys of the existing transportation Department
Size and Population of the City – A map
Size and capacity of the existing terminal
Maps showing existing traffic volumes and Travel Pattern
In state, Out of State, Types and categories of Buses etc.
Guide to Design of an Artist’s House | Architectural Design
An artist is a person with exceptionally innovative and creative skills. His mindset, his thought process is all influenced by the surroundings he lives in. Designing an Artist’s House is of great significance to begin the learning process of design.
Artist's House
This project was given to us by the University in the first year of the Architecture course. This is a project where we could explore our creativity to the fullest. At the beginning of our course, we are not much aware of the conventional forms or logical design solutions. We are extremely creative when we are unaware of the actual process of transforming our project into reality but later on, as we progress with our course, we tend to restrict ourselves. Anyway, we will not get into a discussion on that topic.
So, this is how we go around designing the Artist’s House. Here are the two major steps:
Case study of Luxurious Homes
Design Process of an Artist’s House
Case study of Luxurious Homes
Coming to the case study part, case study is like the backbone of our design. We have to study the existing structures to determine the requirements. Case studies are necessary not just for an Architecture student but this is a part of design process which the Architect has to carry out for his entire life.
As I have mentioned in the title above “Case study of Luxurious Homes”, the case study of an Artist’s House is limited to Luxurious Homes because it involves creativity. So studying more of creative places helps us explore our own creative genius.
What do you do when you go on a Case study?
Case study means study of a case (project) which includes all its elements of design. The structure (home) that you are studying has various advantages and disadvantages which you have to work on. Earlier, in one of my articles, we discussed the detailed process of performing a case study. Those factors also have to be included into this case study process.