Design considerations for Laundry design | Architectural Design

Design of a Laundry | Important services in a Laundry

Laundry is a space where clothes are washed, cleaned, dry cleaned, ironed, packed and dispatched to the respective owners. Laundry generally requires heavy machinery. The machines require high voltage power and adequate space. In order to design a laundry, certain design considerations have to be followed in order to achieve efficient design.

Laundry Design
Laundry Design

Seven important design consideration for the design of a Laundry

Access to the site

The site where the laundry is to be designed has to be in an easily accessible area. Laundry is generally located in an area away from residential colonies. Excessive amount of heat, sewage and noise pollution is generated due to the Laundries.

Circulation in a Laundry

Laundries are preferably designed on the ground. But if the laundry is located in a hotel or a hospital, it is necessary to connect the laundry to the other parts of the building by designing vertical transportation. For example, lifts and staircases.

Horizontal circulation also has to be paid attention to. Horizontal circulation can be achieved by designing wider corridors.

Design of doors in a Laundry

Division of rooms has to be preferably avoided. The lesser the doors, easier is the functioning of the laundry space. In case, there are divisions and doors are to be used (For example: for a store room where the washed and dry cleaned clothes are stored); the width of the doors should not be less than 1.5m.

Power supply

11kV is supplied to the Laundry if the area of the Laundry exceeds 5000sqft. There is an individual transformer for every laundry. 11kV is stepped down to 415V with the aid of the transformer.

Some machines run on the power of steam instead of electricity. Such machines are expensive to install but are lifetime economical. The water is pumped to the boiler machines where the temperature of the water is raised to 180 degree Celsius and then gets converted to steam.

Drainage and Water supply

Overhead tanks and underground sump has to be designed keeping in mind the capacity of the laundry.

Ventilation and Exhaust systems

Natural Ventilation and day lighting is the best way to ventilate a Laundry efficiently. Natural Ventilation coupled with Exhaust systems help in air circulation and also ejection of hot air from the Laundry space into the outer environment. This helps in regulating the temperature of the Laundry.


Choosing the material of the flooring is very important in case of Laundry design. The texture of the flooring has to be rough so that the surface of the flooring does not become slippery and cause inconvenience in the functioning of the Laundry.

Proper DPC (Damp proof course) has to be done in order to prevent leakage in the Laundry flooring.

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