Design factors in an Office Design

Design of an Office

In my earlier articles concerning Office Design, we discussed various requirements that are essential to be incorporated in an Office Design. There are few other factors that are necessary when it comes to designing an office. The design of an office also depends on the specific type of office. Its a short article but will help you understand the basics of office design.

Design of an Office
Design of an Office

In an office, where writing is of prime concern, one hand should be usually free and unentangled for the purpose which is usually the right hand with which we perform most of our daily activities. So it is advisable that we keep the instruments like telephone, intercom, etc on the other side to make simultaneous use of the hand and the instrument.

Some employers want to impress the visitors to their office and want them to pass through it before they meet the desired person. Some do not want the visitors to go beyond reception and conference room. This depends on the owner of the office. Everyone has a different perception towards their workspace. So discussion with the people for whom you are designing is to be given prime consideration.

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Rainwater Harvesting – Need of the Hour | Green Building feature

Green Buildings – Rainwater Harvesting

When we are talking about the incorporation of various design features that would make the building green, it is not just the expensive materials that consume less energy or are less energy intensive. Earlier we discussed various Active and Passive features to be incorporated to make the building green without increasing the cost of infrastructure by purchasing expensive green materials.

Following green principles and design features that would make the building energy efficient and green also results in Sustainable Development which has become the prime need of the time.

Catching Hill Run offwater
Catching Hill Run offwater

Rainwater Harvesting is one such design feature that is to be incorporated in any kind of building; be it a commercial or residential complex.

Rainwater Harvesting is a technology in which individual building or a group of buildings collect and utilize rainwater during the rainy season. This water can be stored in storage tanks and used for non-domestic purposes.

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Critical Thinking about the Future of Architecture

Lets start with a question and end with one. In the recent history of the World, which building has inspired a new thought, a new way of thinking in us? Too many to choose from or nothing at all! How come every building that comes to our mind is either too old to apply or worse done by a foreign architect – be it the Rashtrapati Bhavan or IIM Ahmedabad.

Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi, India
Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi, India

But the old school of architecture has given way to the new. When Corbusier came up with his perfect home in a concrete box, it was called modern architecture. After decades is it still “modern”? Yes there was a post modern and post post modern. As we classify history as renaissance baroque etc. what will our grandchildren call our buildings? Maybe something undignified as “alu-bond Architecture” or something vague as “Modern World Deco”…!

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Evolution of Housing Styles around the World

Evolution of Housing Styles

Different Housing Styles evolved in different eras with increasing population, changing requirements and Changing Technology, that is, advancement in construction technology changed the entire perspective of Housing Design.

In this article, we are going to study evolution of different types of housing styles resulting from changing requirements of the people, tastes of the users, country’s economy and changing technology.

Independent houses are known as Detached houses. The idea of having an independent house was to maintain some privacy at home. Earlier when the population density was very low and plenty of land was available at cheaper rates, there was a trend or rather I would say, it was a status symbol for a person who owned a detached House.

Detached Housing
Detached Housing

Detached houses were usually found in Towns and villages rather than in cities. It is still prevalent today too because you have to be quite rich to be able to afford to live in an Independent House. With the growing population, the requirements of people also started increasing. The standard of living started rising. More income and more money was required to fulfil everyone’s needs.

Since the population was growing and the land prices started rising, the new concept of Semi-detached Houses evolved. People all over the world fancied living in an independent house with a small garden and a swimming pool.

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