Passive and Active Features in Green Building Architecture | Sustainable Development

Green Building Architecture | Sustainable Development

Green Building Architecture is not only about using expensive products that minimize the use of electrical power which in turn would save oil and contribute to sustainable development.

There are various design features that are to be incorporated while designing a green building. After designing the building block in a way which offers a comfortable living space along with reduction of power and usage of energy intensive materials; our next step would be towards outdoor planning which is also as important as the planning of the building itself.

Green Building Architecture
Green Building Architecture

Two major processes of Green Building Architecture

  1. Active Process
  2. Passive Process

Active Features

  • Use of Solar Photovoltaic Panels
  • Wind Energy
  • Wave Energy
  • Use of Solar Energy

Passive Features

  • Use of thick walls
  • High ceilings
  • Ventilators
  • Skylights
  • Coping
  • Necessity of Parapet
  • Cornices in the exterior facade

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Guidelines to achieving success in Artistry / Architecture

6 steps towards achieving success in Artistry/Architecture

Architecture is a form of Art. Architects are artists too. And it is very important for an Architect/Artist to figure out the steps that they would have to follow to be successful. An artist/Architect cannot become successful on his mere talent of designing spaces or things. In this worldly business, there are other important things that count if a person wants to be successful.

I am making it easier for everyone to understand the steps to be taken to achieve success. Here are few simple points to be kept in mind and followed when getting into professional practice.

Point One

It is essential to develop good communication links between the artist and client and artist and public. The strength of these relationships can often determine the ultimate success or failure of a project. It should be remembered that the collaborative process is complicated with a multi-headed client.

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Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Hyderabad, India | Green Buildings

CII – Confederation of Indian Industry | Green Building in India

CII is internationally renowned building designed using the principles of Green Buildings and is India’s premier developmental institution, offering advisory services to the industry on environmental aspects and working in the areas of Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Water Management, Environment Management, Renewable Energy, Green Business Incubation and Climate Change activities.

CII, Hyderabad, India
CII, Hyderabad, India

“Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” is the agenda of Green building Technology.

CII Project Information
CII Project Information

“… Grover has dispelled any notion that aesthetics must be sacrificed in the effort to make buildings “green.”

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Reuse of Waste Materials in Construction | Green Building Architecture

Reuse of Waste Materials for Construction Purposes |Sustainable Development

Reuse of materials is an efficient way to reduce the use of of energy intensive materials. Instead of discarding tonnes and tonnes of wastes from the factories and homes, some part of it could be used for creative construction. This will help in achieving “Waste reduction” and help us move one step forward towards the sustainable environment.

Chandigarh's Rock Garden | Reuse of Discarded Materials
Chandigarh's Rock Garden | Reuse of Discarded Materials

Our prime goal is to, “Sustain the Sustainable”.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the examples that I came across while conducting a research on the Utilization of Waste Materials for Innovative constructions.

Construction of Bottle Houses

Bottle houses sounds weird, isn’t it? When I read about the construction of Bottle Houses, i was really amazed with the thought of utilising discarded glass bottles for such an innovative purpose. A new distinct style of constructing walls with glass bottles of 1L capacity as masonry units and uses cement, stucco, plaster, adobe for the binding purposes resulting in the construction of beautiful stained glass like wall.

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