Low Energy Intensive Techniques used in Mud Architecture

Different Techniques used in Mud Architecture

Architecture involves use of various different construction materials that require a unique construction technique. But these techniques are high energy intensive techniques…

Mud Mosque
Mud Mosque

All the natural resources are depleting which has made it mandatory that we choose materials and construction systems that require less energy for its execution.

Mud Architecture is one such construction system that involves use of mud as a building material and has various techniques for the construction. This construction system is less energy intensive and very effective in different climatic conditions.

Different materials are employed for different construction techniques.

Here is a list of materials that are employed for different types of construction:

  • Cob
  • Adobe
  • Wattle and Daub
  • Pressed Earth Blocks
  • Rammed Earth Blocks

In this article, we will discuss the construction techniques of the above mentioned materials that are employed for Mud Architecture…

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Structural Proportions | Aesthetic Components of Architecture

Architecture is a design process which involves planning, designing, creating, erecting, constructing and executing construction of various types of buildings that are functionally efficient, economically viable and aesthetically pleasing.

The two most important factors in the design of a building are Form and Function. Functionality is the most important aspect of building design. The other aspect is building form or aesthetics.

Lotus Temple, India
Lotus Temple, India

Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and expression of beauty.

Aesthetic components of Architecture also deal with the Proportions of the structure….

In this article, we will discuss different types of Proportions and study Structural Proportions in detail…

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Dutch Gardens | Imitation of French Gardens

Development of Gardens

Development of Gardens began with the evolution of Egyptian Style followed by Persian Gardens which brought about a revolution in the field of Landscape Architecture

Renaissance Gardens
Renaissance Gardens

Every Gardening Style that evolved after Persian Gardens was an imitation of the previous style and then gradually disappeared in a few years. The phase of the evolution of various gardening styles is termed as “Modern Garden Architecture“.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Evolution of Dutch Gardening Style…

Dutch Gardening Style also disappeared unlike the Italian Garden Style, French Style, Japanese Style, Chinese Style, Islamic and English styles.

As dedicated florists, the Dutch imitated French Gardening Style. Dutch Gardens are distinguished by its dense atmosphere and efficient use of space. The gardens where the tulips plantations are dense are also termed as Dutch Gardens.

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Architectural Characters of a Building

The Character and Style of a building is based on its functional aspects, associated aspects and personal aspects….

Character of a building is classified into three main categories:

  1. Functional Character
  2. Associated Character
  3. Personal Character
Timber structure
Timber structure

In this article, we are going to discuss in detail all the three basic characters of a building mentioned above with examples…

Functional Character of a Building

  • Every building has specific functions and is made for specific broad purpose. The internal planning is in co-ordination with the exterior facade that tells us the purpose of the building.
  • The external appearance plays an important role in determining the purpose and the function of the structure.

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