Sustainable Features to be Incorporated in a Building

Guide to Design of Sustainable Buildings

In my previous article, we discussed the concept of Sustainability in a way understood by Architects. In this article, we will discuss in brief all the necessary design features to be incorporated in a building to make it Sustainable.

Sustainable buildings should:

Harvest all of their own water and energy needs on site.

Be adapted specifically to site climate and evolve as conditions change.

Operate pollution free and generate no waste that aren’t useful for some other process in the building or immediate environment.

Promote the health and well-being of all inhabitants, as a healthy ecosystem does.

It should comprise energy efficient integrated systems that maximize efficiency and comfort.

Improve the health and diversity of the local ecosystem rather than degrade it.

Be beautiful and inspire us to dream.

A practical guide towards achieving Sustainability in Design

A building cannot be sustainable unless its interior design is not in tandem with it. Solar and Wind energy should be made use of and the orientation and placement of a site should be looked into.

Positioning of windows should be such that they allow cross ventilation, thus creating climate sensitive design.

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Site, Structure and its Surroundings | Principles of Green Architecture

Site and its Surroundings | Siting and Structure Design Efficiency

“Site and its Surroundings” is one of the seven principles of Green Building Architecture. In our earlier articles, we discussed about Sustainable Development.

Here are the seven Principles of Green Architecture:

  1. Site and its surroundings
  2. Energy Efficiency
  3. Water Efficiency
  4. Material Efficiency
  5. Indoor Air Quality
  6. Waste Reduction
  7. Low maintenance costs

The Green Principle “Site and its Surroundings” deals with it. We can relate them and try to understand the essence of this whole principle.

Site and its Surroundings
Site and its Surroundings

For a better understanding and study of the concept, we can divide the principle into three parts:

  1. Selection of a suitable site
  2. Site Analysis
  3. Site Development

Selection of a suitable site

Selection of a site depends on the type and the size of the Project. Our aim is to reduce the consumption of energy resources and still create an efficient structure.

Site selection is mainly based on two factors:

  1. Factors concerning “the before construction of the project”
  2. Factors concerning “the after construction of the structure” (after use efficiency)

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Principles of Green Architecture and Sustainability

Green Buildings and Infrastructure

“Green Buildings for creating a Green environment” is what I would say. Generally, the term “Green Buildings” is understood in a wrong way. As in, the people have a wrong understanding about the term “Green Buildings”. Green Buildings does not just imply on creating huge lawns and making the building look green in colour.


CII, Hyderabad (Example of a Green Building in India)
CII, Hyderabad (Example of a Green Building in India)

It is all about making the environment green and create a healthy atmosphere inside the living space which also has an impact on the outside surroundings.

Vegetation, Landscaping is definitely a part of Green Building Design but that is not all which would make the building green.

In this article, we are going to discuss the goals of Green Buildings or rather I should say the “Principles of Green Buildings”.

If we are successful in achieving these principles, we will definitely be able to successfully design not just “A green Building” but also create a Green environment.

Earlier we discussed, various Passive and Active features of Green Building Design. Passive Features form an indispensible part of Green Building Design. That is the most primary and important step to be achieved in order to create a sustainable and Green environment.

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Role of Architects in Modern Concepts in Sustainable Design

Role of Architects in Modern Concepts in Sustainable Design

The concept of Sustainability has been misunderstood today. Acceptance of this new concept by the people has not really been satisfactory. People are reluctant to compromise the kind of lifestyle they live. This compromises the aim of achieving Sustainability.

Green Buildings, improved Sustainability, economy for all and thereby better future is an important issue that needs thought. Reducing energy consumption in a building is not enough. Many dimensions need to be considered to achieve sustainability like-transportation networks, environmental management etc.

Sustainable Development - Solar Towers utilize the natural resource of the Sun
Sustainable Development - Solar Towers utilize the natural resource of the Sun

For people who do not agree with the concept of Sustainability:

The concept of sustainability is brought up for the betterment of human species and not for the earth. The Earth can survive without humans. Sustainability is for us to survive on earth.

Architects all over the world have been focussing on the concept of Sustainability. There has been a lot of chaos and confusion in actually understanding the gist of this unusual concept.

In one of the previous articles regarding “Sustainable Development“, we discussed the Sustainability factors, how the world has changed its trend from Sustainable to Unsustainable….

The definition of Sustainable Development is based on two concepts:

  1. The concept of needs, comprising of the conditions for maintaining an acceptable life standard for all people, and
  2. The concept of limits of the capacity of the environment to fulfil the needs of the present and the future, determined by the state of technology and social organization.

These are the two major concepts that the Architects have to keep in mind while executing any design concept which speaks of sustainability.

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