Scope and Method of the Design of a Dog Powerhouse

Scope and Method of Dog Powerhouse Design

Like we discussed earlier, the design of Dog Powerhouse can be split into four parts for convenience;

  1. Introduction to the Design of Dog Powerhouse
  2. Design requirements to be incorporated in a Dog Powerhouse
  3. Scope and Method of the Design of Dog Powerhouse
  4. Guide to Designing a Dog Powerhouse

In this article, we will discuss in detail, the training methods to be adopted to train the dogs to run the Dog Powerhouse for the generation of electricity. We will also discuss the about the maintenance of the Dog Powerhouse.

Indian Pariah Dog
Indian Pariah Dog

The Pariah dog’s adaptations to training and regularized life style needs to experimented under a close watch by the care takers. The slums, most populated colonies of stray dogs have successfully adopted them and trained them to serve their needs. Thus, the results of the experiment towards civilizing the out-casted should yield positive results.

The gears enhanced the power of the training wheels and do not demand the extraordinary course of exercise from the animal. The next question is of handling of numbers. The stray dogs cannot be managed in the packs of more than 50. Hence, the need of segregation and division of small colonies (similar to the colonies in which the pariah dogs breed on streets and in residential localities).

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Design of a Dog Powerhouse | Revolutionary Method for Energy Generation

Dog Powerhouse

Sounds really strange to the ears, doesn’t it? At the beginning, it doesn’t really make much sense. But this could prove to be an ideal way to increase the production of energy without the utilization of limited energy resources.

Dog Powerhouse could play an important in sustaining the environment. It could be counted under Sustainable Development.

“Sustaining the Sustainable.”

Design of a Dog Powerhouse
Design of a Dog Powerhouse

Design of a Dog Powerhouse can be split into four major parts for better understanding:

  1. Introduction to the Design of Dog Powerhouse
  2. Design requirements to be incorporated in a Dog Powerhouse
  3. Scope and Method of the Design of Dog Powerhouse
  4. Guide to Designing a Dog Powerhouse

In this article, we will try and understand the concept of Dog Powerhouse and Need for such a Venture.

What is a Dog Powerhouse?

The Dog Powerhouse is a space where in stray dogs about three hundred in numbers are housed. The dogs are trained to run on treadmills or training wheels. The training wheel has dynamos. Gears and inverters attached to it.

Hence a power station is to be formulated where dogs are trained, housed and are used for generating power. This, to rehabilitate the pariah dog or the stray dogs which escaped domestication centuries ago.

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