Ways to obtain Work in Architecture | By your work

Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Professional Practice

In my previous article, I discussed the method of obtaining work “From Friends and Relatives“. Now we will move on with the discussion on the next method “By your work”.

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance

By your work | Guide to Professional Practice

Howsoever small or big may be the work; if it is handled carefully, it will earn you a good name. A satisfied client is your canvasser. A good work becomes your advertisement and you stand a chance to get more works. Therefore, an architect shall never neglect his work.

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Telephone conversation Etiquettes | Seven aspects of Personality Development

Telephone conversation Etiquettes | Professional Practice

In my previous articles, we discussed the “Importance of Personality Development for Professionals as well as students” and first six aspects of Personality Development. In this article, we will move on with our discussion on the seventh aspect of Personality Development “Conversing on a Telephone”.

Here are Seven Aspects of Personality Development

  1. Dress
  2. Address
  3. Good Language
  4. Punctuality
  5. Planning your work
  6. Habit to postpone the work
  7. Telephone conversation

How to converse on a telephone in Professional Practice?

Telephone has become a common instrument for us. Even then very few of us have a proper training to talk on the telephone. Here are few suggestions to improve your telephone talk.

A. Use of ‘Hello’ to be minimum on phone.

B. When you make a call, say who do you want to talk, rather than asking to the other end “Aap kaum?” ‘Who are you’? “Hello, Kaun Bolta hai”, this is a bad manner. Instead say, “Namaskar, Harish from Popatlal & Co.; May I talk to Chimanbhai?”

C. When you receive a call in an office, irrespective of the calling person being known or unknown to you, greet him and say where from you have received the call.

“Good morning, B. P.L.Ltd” OR “Associated Architects, Namaskar”.

If a person called is not in the office at that time, the person who receives the call shall show interest in attending the call, shall not sound indifferent to the calling person. If the calling party is unknown to you, you shall softly insist upon knowing the name of the person and where from was he calling and what was it about. The person receiving the call must show in his voice interest and concern in the business the calling party has with your office.

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Punctuality | Seven aspects of Personality Development

Punctuality | Necessity of Personality Development in Professional Practice

In my previous articles, we discussed the “Importance of Personality Development for Professionals as well as students” and first three aspects of Personality Development. In this article, we will move on with our discussion on the fourth aspect of Personality Development “Punctuality in work”.

Here are Seven Aspects of Personality Development

Dressing | Aspects of Personality Development

Dressing | Aspects of Personality Development

In my previous article, we discussed “What is Personality Development and the need for Personality Development Programme for Professionals?” Now we will start with discussing each of the seven aspects of Personality Development.

Seven Aspects of Personality Development

  1. Dress
  2. Address
  3. Good Language
  4. Punctuality
  5. Planning your work
  6. Habit to postpone the work
  7. Telephone conversation

In this article, we will discuss the first aspect of Personality Development “Dress” in detail.

Dressing | Aspect of Personality Development

We agree to the freedom of a person to wear the dress of his choice. Then at the same time, we must agree to the freedom of the onlooker to form his impression about that person. The decorum regarding the dress is changing with the generations. However, to say that the dress shall be suitable for the occasion shall be a statement acceptable to all. It would be out of place to wear beach wear in a classroom or at the marriage reception; where the formal dress would be more suitable.

So the choice of your dress for a particular occasion adds to your personality. When you go for inspection of the work on site your dress shall not be with loose cloth to get entangled with the tips of bars and nails. You shall preferably wear shoes and not chappals to protect your feet from possible injuries. You may find high heel sandals and pleat skirts are unsuitable for site inspection of the work in progress.

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