Ways to obtain work by Architects | By Winning Architectural Competitions

Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Professional Practice

In my previous article, I discussed the method of obtaining work “By Luck”. Now we will move on with the discussion on the next method “By Winning architectural Competitions”.

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance

By Winning architectural competition | Professional Practice

When an architect takes part in an architectural competition and wins it, then all of a sudden he becomes a famous architect. This because the results of the competition are published in media. The works and drawings are also published and the architect becomes famous. Once an architect becomes well known, the clients approach him on their own, and he gets more works. His practice is established. Therefore, this is a good way to come to the forefront in practice.

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Ways to obtain Work in Architecture | By your work

Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Professional Practice

In my previous article, I discussed the method of obtaining work “From Friends and Relatives“. Now we will move on with the discussion on the next method “By your work”.

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance

By your work | Guide to Professional Practice

Howsoever small or big may be the work; if it is handled carefully, it will earn you a good name. A satisfied client is your canvasser. A good work becomes your advertisement and you stand a chance to get more works. Therefore, an architect shall never neglect his work.

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Ways to obtain work in Architecture | Friends and Relatives

Different ways of obtaining work in Architecture | Professional Practice

After completing your studies you may be very eager to create fantastic architecture. But that could be possible only if some one appoints you as an architect for the work. As a professional you cannot advertise your activity. So, how would you get the work?

Here is the list of different ways in which the work can be obtained:

  1. From Friends and relatives
  2. By your work
  3. By specialization
  4. By Luck
  5. By Winning architectural competition
  6. Through Chartered accountants and advocates
  7. Before setting up your practice
  8. Waiting period
  9. Setting up your office
  10. Telephone
  11. Computer Networking
  12. Regular attendance

From Friends and relatives | Guide to Professional Practice

Usually you will get your early work opportunities only through people who know you, that is, your relatives, friends or acquaintances. Therefore, when you make up your mind to start your own practice, make it a point to call on all your relatives, friends and well-wishers. At the same time try to increase your number of acquaintances, more and more people should know that you are a practicising architect. You should lose no opportunity to make friends. To increase contacts and acquaintances, it is sometimes worthwhile to join clubs and hobby circles, like trekkers, nature lovers, music circles etc.

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Habit to Postpone the work | Seven Aspects of Personality Development

Habit to Postpone the work in Professional Practice

In my previous articles, we discussed the “Importance of Personality Development for Professionals as well as students” and first four aspects of Personality Development. In this article, we will move on with our discussion on the fifth aspect of Personality Development “Planning your work”.

Here are Seven Aspects of Personality Development

  1. Dress
  2. Address
  3. Good Language
  4. Punctuality
  5. Planning your work
  6. Habit to postpone the work
  7. Telephone conversation

Habit to Postpone the work

A father in the morning, while going to his work, asked his son to do certain work for him. The son, who was in junior college, was more interested in loitering in the college. So he thought he could attend to work of his father little later or may be in the afternoon. In the college, while gossiping with friends, he forgot the work of his father.

Obviously in the evening his father was disappointed with him. This habit of postponement of work shall not be your nature. “There is long time on hand to complete the submission work, so let us work on it little later”.

This is how you think most of the time. This habit of postponement of work is certainly unsuitable in your career.